Chapter 2 ~Aiden's POV~

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👆👆PIC: Aiden Walter Ross

Maybe this year will be different.

I walked into Oak Hill high with my head hung low and deep in my thoughts. I didn't really hate school, but I certainly didn't enjoy waking up at the crack of dawn. I mean, how did they expect students to learn anything while they're eyes are still drooping?

I sighed as I punched in the code on my burgundy and white locker and pulled it open when I heard the click. I pulled out my geometry textbook stuffing it in my backpack along with my English binder so I didn't have to come back next period.

First days always suck. Mostly because I'm tired and all I can think about is how I miss the privilege of waking up at noon everyday in the summer. Now I was back to spending half of my day in this wretched building while my sleep schedule is still broken, trying desperately to avoid being pushed into lockers and being Jackson's target.

Who is Jackson, you may ask? Your about to find out.

I slammed my locker shut and looked up, regrettably making eye contact with the tall, almost 200-pound football player. He ran his hand through his short black hair as he winked at a girl- seemingly a freshman by the looks of her yellow ID tag.

He's walking directly towards me. Look away, Aiden. Look away before it's too late! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Well, well, well," I heard his voice beside me now. Low and gruff, mischief obvious in it. "If it ain't invisible Aiden."

If I'm so invisible then why the hell are you talking to me? Idiot.

I felt my shoulders being shoved into the metal lockers behind me, forcing me to stare up at the narrowed glare shooting down at me.

"The fuck you just say, bitch?"

"I-I didn't say a-anything.." I stuttered like a freaking baby.

"Oh, so you didn't just call me an idiot?" He tightened his grip on my shoulder making me wince.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"No no I would never, Jackson! I know you're not an idiot." I cowered, hoping he'd believe my lie. "Please, I swear!"

Behind him, I heard his friends laughed at my plea, but quickly quieted down when Jackson stomped his feet loudly causing my breath to hitch in my throat. He moved closer, his large figure towering over me. I notice a slight smirk flash across his lips and I whimpered, hands shaking at my sides.

"Never, and I mean never, disrespect the King." He pushed me further into the locker and gave me the glare of death before walking away, his friends trailing behind him.


As he walked out of sight I let out the breath of relief I'd been holding. I close my eyes taking a few deep breaths only to jump when I felt arms wrapping around my neck and the heavy weight of my best friend crushing my body back into the locker once again.

"Hii!" He yelled as he settled his head on my shoulder. I didn't have time to breathe before he started firing questions at me. "I missed you so much! Are you ready for our senior year? Did you sleep last night? I couldn't because I was so excited! We have to go pick up our schedules-"

"Ok ok slow down buddy," I laughed as I pulled away looking at Michael. His green eyes shone in excitement underneath his frames as he grinned at me. "I don't even know what question to answer first but I missed you too. How was your summer in Florida?"

He shrugged. "It was alright. I missed Cali though. Glad to be back hehe"

We walked to the gymnasium as he told me all about Disney world and the awesome trips he took over the short two months. Michael is my best friend since pre-k. We grew up laughing and making our own memories together, and although he was hyperactive sometimes I wouldn't prefer another best friend.

We entered the huge gymnasium and was immediately taken back by at least 100 students packed together. God, I hated crowds. I held on to Michael's arm tightly trying to stay with him as he was the only person I could trust in a situation like this. But unfortunately, when a group of girls walked between us breaking apart my hold, we quickly became separated. I stood dumbly for a minute trying to find Michael, but gave up when I came to
the conclusion that it was utterly impossible and we only had 10 minutes before the first bell. Taking a deep breath and started looking around for the senior table.

After a few brutal minutes of being pushed around, I spotted the teacher holding up a wide poster board with the word "SENIORS" on it. I smiled to myself and found my way over to it.

"What's your name, young man?" A teacher shouted in my face over all the noise.

"Um..I- uh Aiden Ross." I spoke loudly despite the stupid stutter.

She dug around in the box before pulling out a sheet and shoved it at me. I blinked and took the paper before the person behind me grabbed my backpack pushing me away from the table. I looked back to glare at them but quickly turned away when I realized the familiar jock that was following Jackson this morning. Holding my schedule tightly I moved through the crowd swiftly, eager to get as far away from him as possible. It's too damn early to get my face punched in.

Once I was finally out of the mob of teenagers, I sighed and started walking before realizing I had no idea where I was going. I looked down at the schedule the lady gave me.

First Period: Italian 4.  Room: 2017

Wait..Italian? I don't take Italian. There must have been some mistake.

I studied the paper more realizing it also had Chemistry and Health. I didn't sign up for those classes.

Why did they...

I trailed out of my thoughts when my eyes went to the top of the paper, staring at the name.

Oh god, no...

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly and that I wasn't going blind. But when I opened my eyes again, nothing had changed. I groaned closing my eyes as I felt a headache coming on. What a way to start the year off.

Out of all people...why did my schedule have to get switched with Tyler Anderson??

why did my schedule have to get switched with Tyler Anderson??

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👆👆PIC: Michael Beckett

Second chapter end! What do you think? Feel free to comment, vote and follow! I would greatly appreciate it. I know this is a little lengthy but that's only because it's the beginning and I'm trying to establish the life and personality of the characters. Don't worry, there'll be some spice later ;). I hope you guys had a good day. Thank you for reading!

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