chapter six

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I woke up, and the whole dormitory was empty. I checked the time, and I was so late! I quickly walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my uniform and robes in a rush. I held my hair in a messy ponytail, no makeup and grabbed my bag and the books I would need as fast as I could. I ran to the Great Hall, and as I burst in, the entire Slytherin table was surprised to see me, as I was always on time. Draco sent me a questioning look, which I ignored. I was trying to at least get some porridge in before lessons started. Next to me was Eve, who I felt like I hadn't seen in so long. "Where have you been, Eve?" I asked her, "Oh, you know, just around. I've been in the library all day and night, I'm trying to start my O.W.L. studies early." she said. "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, I feel like we haven't talked in forever. Next time you're going, I'll join you, I need to study if I'm going to pass, specially Divination." I told her. 

History of Magic was so boring, time felt as if it was going slower than usual. "Helena, guess what?" Blair asked in her I'm-way-excited voice. "What?", "You don't remember? The Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow!" she said excitedly. "Oh my goodness, that's right. I'd completely forgotten" I gushed. During our conversation we earned a few glares from Professor Binns. "We should probably get together this evening to have a little practice before tomorrow" Blair whispered. "I wish I could, but I've got detention with Umbridge today as well"I said glumly. "Tryouts are tomorrow at twelve, so how about we meet out on the field at say ten, and have a quick practice?" she suggested in a low voice. "Sounds perfect, B" I agreed. 

I was very distracted during Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Grubbly-Plank was discussing Bowtruckles, so I was very bored as well. I spent the whole class trying to get Eve to tell me who she fancied. No such luck, I didn't get a word out of her. As if it were such a big deal, it kind of made me sad that my own best friend didn't trust me enough to tell me, but it wasn't like I'd told her about my conflicting feelings for Harry Potter. Not that I could even call them that. But I was still a bit bummed out about it. 

Lastly, we had double Herbology with the Gryffindors. It wasn't that I didn't like Herbology, I just didn't exactly like it either. Our lesson was about Mandrakes, but I spent the whole class just thinking about how much I'm dreading detention. I guess it made me feel a bit better that Harry was there with me, but not by much. By the end of the class, Professor Sprout assigned so much homework. I was already struggling to keep up, so I would definitely have to take Eve up on that study date. 

I rushed to the Great Hall so I could eat a little before detention started. I sat by Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. I silently ate some spaghetti bolognese, watching the clock so I wouldn't be late, I had tryouts tomorrow so I couldn't afford any more detention. I was about to walk out and I spotted Harry finishing up his dish in the Gryffindor table.  As I approached the table, everyone grew quiet, giving me wary looks. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Hermione sneered, and for a minute I wondered if Draco was standing behind me but I soon realized that this was their reaction towards me. "Oh, since Harry and I have detention together, I figured we'd walk together to Umbridge's office. My mistake, then." I said, feeling as embarrassed as I had ever felt. I quickly walked out of the Great Hall. "Hey, wait for me.", I turned to see Harry walking towards me holding his bag. "You know, for a House that criticizes mine for being mean, you guys sure are welcoming." I jabbed, "Helena, stop" he said while grabbing my forearm. I shook out of his grasp, "Its fine, it doesn't even matter. Let's just go to detention" I said. We didn't speak the whole way there.

Detention was much the same as the first time, only this time we left after three hours. My right hand was throbbing and I was in a bit of a mood. I just wanted to go to bed, but I still had quite a walk down to the dungeons. "Helena" I heard Harry call out from a few steps behind me. "What is it?" I said while turning. "I really am sorry for how Hermione treated you." he said rather apologetically. "See? You don't even understand. It's not just how Hermione spoke to me. It's everyone, but I guess it's really not your fault, so I don't see the point in you apologizing" I told him, while starting to walk away from him. "In any case, I'm still sorry" he stammered. "It's fine Harry, like I said, not your fault" I whispered. 

When I got to the common room it was very late, almost everybody was in bed. Draco was sitting alone on the sofa. "What are you still doing up?" I asked him, "I was waiting for you to finish detention, Helena" he answered, as if it were the most obvious thing. "Weird, why?" I groaned, I really wasn't in the mood to fight with my brother. "You've been acting very strange lately, and I think I have a right to know what's going on with you" he spoke. "I don't know what you mean?" I said, stalling. He only looked at me. "Is it detention?" he eyed me worriedly "Is Potter bothering you in detention?" he suggested, already thinking about what he would do. "God, nothing like that" I insisted. "Okay, so tell me. What is it then?" Draco countered. "What's going on with you? You've been disappearing, and don't tell me it's for your prefect duties, because not even you are that committed." i said in my attempt to distract him. "Oh come on, Helena. Surely you, even in your attempt to change the subject, can do better than that" he sassed. It's not that I didn't want to tell him what was bothering me, it's that I knew he would make a big deal out of it. "Okay, if I tell you, you have to promise you won't get upset" I negotiated. "I will give it my best effort, but I won't promise" he said back. I figured this was as good an offer as I was going to get out of him. I put my hand in between his.

"This is what Umbridge made us do in detention."

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