chapter nine

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I had spent all of Sunday in the library with Eve, catching up on my home work and getting some studying in.  Once my brain could not hold more information, did I go to my dorm to get my broomstick, I figured I'd get a bit of flying in. When I was on my way down, I remembered to check the Slytherin notice board. The list of the House team members! I was the Slytherin Seeker. I was most excited about this and was about to go find Blair, who got the Beater spot, when I noticed the Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four. It basically stated that every organisation, society, club, group or team was henceforth disbanded, and that students who were caught breaking this rule, would be expelled. I thought of the secret meeting we had at the Hog's Head. Had anyone told Umbridge? Because I just couldn't handle anymore detention right now, specially with Quidditch coming up. Quidditch! Did this mean we couldn't play Quidditch? The Decree said that no organisation, society, club, group or team could exist without the approval of the High Inquisitor. So if we got her approval, could we play? 

I almost went crazy, looking for Blair, but eventually found her, snuggled up with none other than Marcus Flint. "Just the pair I was looking for!" I said, finally getting to them. "What's up?" Marcus said. "Did you guys see the notice board?", "Yeah and I was going absolutely crazy at first, but Marcus went to see Umbridge first thing in the morning and we have her approval, so there is nothing to worry about" she answered excitedly. Relief flooded me, "Did the rest of the Houses get cleared to play too?" I wondered. "Ravenclaw got cleared this morning too, the Hufflepuff Captain was going to meet with Umbridge this evening and as for Gryffindor, I have no idea." Marcus informed us. 

I had to find Harry, because what if Umbridge's personal vendetta against Harry made her not approve of the team? First I searched the Great Hall, in case he was in for an early dinner, he wasn't. Then I checked the library, he wasn't there either, and I kept my eyes peeled as I walked in case I spotted him. Then I figured he'd probably be in his common room. Maybe I'd ask him at dinner. I was on my way to the dungeons, when I spotted him by Snape's classroom. He was standing there with Ron and they looked as if they were deliberating something. "Just the two I was looking for!" I said as I made my way towards them, Ron looked surprised, as did Harry but neither of them said anything. "I've just noticed the Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four," they looked very lost. "Umbridge just disbanded every club, group and team. As in Quidditch. Every team has to ask of her approval before restarting. We've already got her approval, but I don't know about you guys. Maybe you should go talk to your Team Captain so you can talk to Umbridge!" I said hurriedly. I earned a nod from Ron and a quick thanks from Harry as they hurried off I'm guessing to their common room.

"What? Are you suddenly worried for Potter and his team, now?" Draco sneered, appearing out of nowhere. "Oh, that? Nothing, I was only telling them what I'd heard." I explained quickly, nervously. He looked at me skeptically, surely expecting me to crack under his gaze. "Come on, D. Why are you acting so strange?" I said, changing the subject. "Well, I'm not the one fraternizing with the enemy, am I?" Draco snapped at me. "Didn't we just have a conversation about how we weren't going to fight anymore?" I said, while rolling my eyes and walking away. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pick a fight, I just," he was trying to figure out his words, "Well, you know I don't like him." "Whatever, Draco. Just leave me out of it" I sighed.  "This isn't the reason I wanted to talk to you" he said, trying again. "Oh, is there something else you wanted to fight with me about?" I snapped, heavily annoyed by my brother. Staring at Draco was like staring at myself. Obviously, I mean we're twins, but in this particular situation his expression stirred some unease within me. "What's going on?" I said; this time, all annoyance gone from my voice, worry stood in it's place now. "Nothing for you to be worried about," he reassured me, "Just that I've got a bit of a crush and I don't know what to do about it" he said quickly. "Oh my goodness, D, tell me everything." I said excitedly, he hadn't asked me for advice in forever. "Well, I like this girl, and I want to have a relationship with her, but I don't know if she'd want me back" he mumbled. It was weird seeing him like this, my brother was many things, but never insecure. "Oh come on, any girl would be lucky to have you. And if she can't see the catch that you are, I'm not sure I would want you dating someone so dense." I insisted, "Who is she? Anyone I know?" I couldn't help myself. "No, I mean yes, but I'm not telling. At least not yet." he added, earning an eye roll from me. "Oh come on, also that was brilliant advice if I do say so myself." I mentally patted myself on the back. "Yes, well, thank you, Helena" he grimaced, "Good luck!" I said, wondering who it could be. 

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