🧡 : Eight

337 26 35

T/W: mentions of eating disorders.


        "You literally suck so much," I whined as Mitchel beat me once again at a thumb war.

"You're just mad because I keep winning!" He pouted and shoved me lightly. I whined and shoved him back. He pet Simba and leaned into him.

"Simba are you a good boy?" He asked him and looked down at him. He barked and licked his cheek.

"I think that's a yes," I chuckled and patted Simba awkwardly.

"You're so mean to him!" He whined and fluffed up Simbas' ears. I heard my door creak open and saw Clinton walk in.

"What!?" Mitchel threw a pillow at him.

"Do you guys wanna go to this abandoned house I found on my way home?" He asked leaning against the door frame.

"Uhm, maybe I guess." He shrugged and thought about for a moment. My lip quivered and I could feel my eyes get bigger.

"I-I," I stuttered and looked at Mitchel, "oh uh sure."

"Are you sure?" Mitchel asked looking back at me.

"No no I'm sure," I smiled weakly and gave them a thumbs up.

"Okay well we'll pick you up at 10:00," Clinton nodded and turned on his heels walking out.

"Okay let's get you home before my Mom tries to shove her dinner down your throat again." Mitchel stood up. I got up after him and leaned into his chest whining gently.
He wrapped his arms around me and rocked us back and forth gently.

"M mitty I gotta get home my moms making me run my talent portion," I whine lightly and hug him back.

"Okay let's go," He picked me up gently. I whined and wrapped my arms and legs around him.

"Why are you carrying me!" I whimper and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Because," he giggled and grabbed my backpack for me. He set me in the passenger seat of his car. I leaned into the seat and whimpered gently.

"I don't wanna go home," I started throwing a fake tantrum.

"I know but your mom is gonna delete your knees if I don't take you home." He giggled and started driving me home.

"More like deleting me from her life, she keeps threatening me to take me to my dad's. If I don't do the stupid pageants."

"Fuck, why?" He glanced at me as he pulled up next to my house.

"I don't fucking know," I leaned over and hugged him, "I'll See you later."

"Okay I'll text you when me and Clit face leave," he hugged back before joking shoving me out the car. I whined as I fell onto my ass.

"You're such a bitch," I grabbed my backpack and waved to him as I walked up the front steps. He waved back, I went inside and my house and walked up to my room quickly trying to avoid my mother.

I had a tight grip on my old metal bat from Jesses baseball bag. Mitchel texted me telling me to bring some sort of weapon in case we came across something. I sat on my front steps waiting for them, I smoothed out my shirt. I then re tucked part of it into my jeans and looked down at my vans.
Once I saw Clintons grey SUV pull up I stood up and ran to the back.

"Hey twink boy," Clinton smiled and drove off as soon as I shut the door.

"Damn what's the rush?" I laughed awkwardly and fixed my glasses gently.

"Wanna get there before some crack heads can," Mitchel smiled turning around to look at me.

"Oh," I giggled in a scared tone and looked out the window as we reached the edge of town. I hummed to myself gently as Clinton pulled up at the big house.
I sighed and grabbed the bat and got out of the car. Mitchel pulled his hood up around his head. Then take a nice grip on the knife he had.

"Mitty is careful," I whined and leaned into him gently because if I was being honest I was cold.

"Oooh," Clinton giggled walking towards the front door.

"Shut up I'm cold!" I whined through chattering teeth.

"Oh take my hoodie," Mitchel took it off and draped it around me.

"You don't have to," I sighed hiding my head in his shoulder.
We followed Clinton up the steps and into the house. The doors just kind of opened without Clinton having to really try. I was kind of shocked they weren't locked.
We started looking around as we entered. I touched the wood on the walls and felt it's grooving.

I hummed as Mitchel kicked a pile of dusty books over, "You're such a twink." He remarked to Clinton.

"Oh haven't you looked at your little whore?" He motioned over to me and I frowned.

"Don't be mean! I know you're fucking Jesse!" I whined at Clinton and shoved him into a wall. Well, it wasn't very hard because you know, I didn't have very much muscle.
We started up the stairs and I turned down a hall looking around. I gripped the bat in my hands tight as I pushed open a door.
"Mitchel look," I turned around and saw he wasn't there. Clinton wasn't either, I shivered and looked around. I needed to go find them.

I walked down the hall quickly, I felt the tears start to well up. The lump in my throat just wanted to explode into tears.
I tripped over a piece of wood and whimpered. I sat against the wall and started to cry. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started shaking.
I sniffed and leaned my head back as tears spilled out.
I heard footsteps down the hall and screamed.

"Hey hey it's just us," I heard Mitchel sigh bending down by me, "Are you okay?"

"I Uh," I shook against him, "I think."

I stood up shakily and gripped him and the wall for support. I leaned my head into his chest gently. He rubbed my back "shhhh." He leaned against me.

"Why don't we go, guys?" Clinton said as we heard a door creaking.

"Mhm," Mitchel picked me up and we high tailed it to the car.

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