The Star Sanses

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Y/n pov

After the 4 of us went in the portal, they all started to question me. "Are you ok?!" "Are you hurt?" "You need to stay away from them!" "Yada yada yada".

"WAIT! WE FORGOT TO INTRODUCE OURSELF!" Blue said "IM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, BUT CALL ME BLUE" Blue said "THAT'S DREAM AND INK" Blue said pointing at them "WHAT'S YOUR NAME HUMAN?" Blue asked "Im y/n" I said "THAT NAME SUITS YOU HU- Y/N" Blue said "T-thanks" I said.

"So y/n, you need to stay away from them, they are a bad guys" Dream said "They will kill you" Dream said "Isn't that right Ink......Ink?" Dream said looking at Ink, Ink were just staring at me and then "OMG! SHE'S SHORTER THAT ME! IN FACT SHE'S SHORTER THAN ALL OF US!" Ink said then he threw up ink.


"Heh, sorry about that! I did that everytime i got excited" Ink said then he cleaned the ink with his gigantic ass paint brush. Ink then hugged me "Awwe, she's so short =w=" Ink said still hugging me "This is one of the top reason why i hate being so frickin short" I mumbled.


"Come on y/n, i'll show you your room, since you're gonna live here with us. Just to make sure that they don't get you" Ink said as he grab my hand and drag me to what i assume my room. The door is f/c with f/a [Fav animal] plushie hanging. Then Ink opened the door to reveal a bedroom.

[You can change da color]

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[You can change da color]

"Its not much but i hope you like it" Ink said "Like it? I LOVE IT!" I said "Well, make yourself at home" Ink said then leave "Wait! If im going to live here, do you.... Have any clothes? as well as undergarments?" I asked blushing a bit, then Ink started blushing "Y-yes, there is. You can check your wardrobe" Ink said "Okay" I said "Well, i'll call you when dinner is ready" Ink said then he left.

-Meanwhile UwU-

Nightmare pov

We are in my gigantic ass living room, and the boiz were saying about how they can't get the girl out of their mind no matter how hard they tried. I don't blame them though... I also can't get her out of my mind. She's just too.... Perfect. I needed her to be mine. But those Star fuckers has to fucking take her from me. I swear once i got my hands on them, i will give them slow and a painful death and that they wish they were never born. Just you wait my queen. I have so much stuff to do with you, once i have you in my arms =) [*Comes in with a clock* Its time to stop!]

Error pov

I can't get her out of my mind! What the heck is wrong with me! Im the destroyer of AU's! I can't feel love! But her face... The way that she looked at me... Its so addicting. She's going to be mine! I will kill everything that is blocking my way. Including my friends if i have to. But i have to kill those Star fuckers first for taking what's mine. I will erase their shitty existence from this world. Then i can have her all for myself.

Killer pov

Get out of my mind! Don't get out of my mind! What the fuck!? Damn it, She's too cute... So perfect. I wanted her to be mine. Even if i have to force her to love me. I will kill for her, but i needed to take care of those Star assholes first. I will give them a very painful death until there's nothing left, not even their dust. She will love me whether she likes it or not.

Dust pov

Why. Can't. I. Get. Her. Out. Of. My. Mind! Especially when she looked at me with those gorgeous e/c eyes. I love it when she looked at me with fears in her eyes. I love how she fits perfectly in my arms. But im afraid that. Actually im not. Those  Star assholes will pay. I'll make sure they're gonna beg me to end their shitty life. Then she can finally be mine =)

Horror pov

The Star fucks gonna pay for taking her. She's MINE! No! Bad Horror! You can't fall in love! But i can't get her out of my mind! I can't let those Star fucks get her heart. I'll rip their limbs if they hurt her. I'd love to hear them scream bloody murder, as i tore their limbs off. That'll teach them a lesson to never take what's mine ever again.

Cross pov

My mind is filled with Senpai. Senpai is MINE! [Cross... You need to stop watching too much anime] She belongs to ME! Those who dare to take her from me will die and burn in hell. Just like the Star chickens. I will make sure they will die in the most horrible death you could ever imagine. Then i make her a chocolate queen UwU. [ಠ_ಠ]



Y/n pov.

I was texting my parents but they never answers so i played * whatever game you want to play* and after a few minutes Ink called me for dinner.



"Y/N! YOU SHOULD TRY MY TACOS!" Blue said then i see that Dream and Ink were telling me that his tacos are bad. I was about to politely decline it but Blue shoves the taco into my mouth and omg it tasted bad [Blue, im sorry TwT]. But when i saw his cute expression, i had no choice but to swallow it and gave Blue a shaky thumbs up "HOW IS IT Y/N?" Blue asked "I-its g-good" I lied "WOWIE! Y/N LIKES MY MAGNIFICENT TACO! MWEHEHEHE!" Blue happily said.



"So y/n, tell us a little bit more about you" Dream said "Well..I like f/f [Fav food], f/a [Fav animal], my favorite colour is f/c, and *Insert whatever you want to tell em*" I said. "So... Why do you think they wanted me?" I suddenly asked them "Well... They probably wanted you to become a lure" Ink said sweating a bit "What do you mean 'Lure'?" I asked "Well, they keep kidnapping innocent people to lure us. After that they will try to kill us" Ink said "That's horrible" I said "Yeah..." Dream said "What happened to the 'lure' then?" I asked "We believed that they kill them and went to find a new lure" Dream said "BUT DON'T WORRY Y/N! WE WILL PROTECT YOU FROM THEM!" Blue said "QwQ".

Okeh! This chapter's done. Just like the usual, i'll update every saturday or sunday. I feel really weird because i didn't put any..... Weird stuff like i usually did. But i promise to not make this book as retarded as my first book.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day and i'll see you in the next chapter UwU

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