Chapter 3: Shopping

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After I had read through a couple more of my older letters, I got out a fresh piece of paper to sit down and write a new one.

My dearest, darling Monty,

I got to hold you today. And, God was it wonderful. Although it only lasted about a minute, it will probably be the most spectacular minute of my week.
I wish I didn't have to let you go, Monty. I would give anything just to hold you while you fall asleep in my arms. I would stroke your arm, ensuring you aren't cold. I would kiss the top of your head and run my fingers through your hair. I would spoon you and snuggle my head into the crook of your neck.
I want you, Monty. It gets harder everyday to conceal my love for you. Sometimes I secretly wish you could hear the dirty things I mutter under my breath. Sometimes I wish you could see the lust in my eyes. Sometimes I wish you could see the expression that comes upon my face every time I undress you. Maybe then you would want me even a fragment of the same way I want you.
Being your assistant is both heaven and hell, Monty. I love working for you; it's the only thing that gives my life purpose. But, loving someone who you know you can't have is some of the worst pain imaginable.
I hope you never have to feel this pain, Monty. It's unbearable.

Yours truly, forever and always,

I sighed and eventually slipped the letter into my desk drawer, not even bothering with the false bottom. I was just a little bit too depressed at the moment.
I sat at my desk for a few moments, recollecting myself and forcing tears out of my eyes. I checked the time on my wrist watch: it read 4:40. I had about 20 minutes left until I had to drive Mr. Burns home. I needed a little bit of a pick-me-up, so I decided to take that day's reports back to Mr. Burns for review.
I approached his giant oak doors and knocked lightly.
"Who is it," he snarled, he didn't like being interrupted by employees.
"It's me, sir," I responded.
"Ah, yes, Smithers, come in," he said in a delighted tone.
I strolled into his office and went to set down the reports. I could tell my plan was already working because I was already getting giddy upon discovering he was happy to see me.
"Here are today's reports, sir,"
"Thank you, Smithers,"
I smiled, it was very rare for him to thank me for anything, nonetheless twice in one day.
"Who is this Simpson fellow who's been late the past few weeks?"
"Oh, don't worry about him, sir. I made sure to let him know that if he's late again tomorrow he will be fired."
After he had finished looking over the report, he slipped them into one of his desk drawers.
"So, sir, um, what would you like to do today?" I asked quite awkwardly.
"Hm, well I was going to suggest having some drinks at a bar, but last time that became-"
"It's okay, you can say it, a hideous drunken wreck,"
I suppose I've always kind of been an on-again off-again alcoholic. Whenever something in Monty and I's relationship went astray, I turned to alcohol. I know it's a dangerous and terrible habit, but I just can't resist it; I'm not strong enough.
"I suppose we could drop by the mall and have a peek at some new accessories," said Mr. Burns.
"Sounds like a plan, sir," I responded.
Now, that would definitely brighten my day! I always found Monty's little fashion shows quite entertaining.
In about 15 minutes time, we had gathered our things and I was driving Mr. Burns to the Springfield Mall.
"Are you looking for anything in particular, sir?" I asked as I drove the familiar path to the Springfield Mall.
After a while he said, "Something bold,"
I nodded. "I think I might be able to help with that" I said with a sly smile, fondly remembering the outfits I would wear to gay clubs.
While on our way to the mall, we talked about nothing in particular. Monty ranted for a little bit about how music isn't the same as it was in his day. I agreed with every word he said. In my opinion, humanity will never again reach the perfection that was Fleetwood Mac's Rumors album.
Before we knew it, I was pulling the car into the parking lot of the mall and I was escorting Mr. Burns through the entrance.
We made our way through the shopping mall for a while before eventually deciding to shop at Bruised Banana Republic (Mr. Burns had found the name of the store amusing).
Once inside, Mr. Burns headed straight for a pair of huge, black combat boots.
"Oh, I quite like these!" he said with the most adorable smile on his face. I felt my heart flutter as I saw his eyes sparkle with glee.
"You should try them on, sir. I bet they'll look fantastic on you," I said.
"I think I will, Smithers," he responded.
As he sat down on a nearby bench, I helped him push the shoes onto his feet. Upon tying them, I realized how sexy he looked with combat boots on. I began to wonder what it would feel like to have those boots kick me down onto a bed, but quickly erased those kinky thoughts.
Now is definitely not the time, Wayon I thought to myself.
"So, what do you think?" Mr. Burns asked, quite sheepishly.
"What do I think?! Sir, you look incredible!" I exclaimed, finding it rather tricky to conceal how much I loved them.
"Good. Although, I don't exactly know what I would wear these for, I would quite like to buy them,"
Trying my absolute hardest to push away all of the dirty thoughts flooding into my mind, I responded with, "Will do, sir."
So, we made our way to the checkout counter, and after waiting a considerable amount of time, we were finally able to buy the pair of boots and head back to the mansion for dinner.
Just like almost everyday, I cooked dinner for the both of us to sit and eat together. Dinner was full of small talk and sexual tension.

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