Chapter 5: melt with you

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I wonder why Dahyun asked for my address last night.

"Hey Mina sweetie I think Sana is here please go down already because she keep on ringing the doorbell ugh its annoying" Mina's mother said from the other side of her door. She can also hear the doorbell from up there in her room, yeah its really annoying.


Mina removed the towel wrapped around her wet hair and she comb as fast as she can while throwing curses at Sana's name.

She almost jumped at the stairs just so that she can go to the main door of their house the fastest that she can. She rested for a bit and breathe before she slowly open the door and ready to give Sana an upper cut.

"yOU BITCH WHY- HUH????" Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she saw the person and its not Sana. Dahyun???

"D-Dahyun?? w-what are you doing here-"

Dahyun entered their house just like its her friends house, Mina's house is sure big. Well if you talk about the Myoui's everything is fancy to them.

"wow" Dahyun said in amusement after scanning the whole place with her head in a whole 360 degrees turn, this is definitely her first time here.

"Dahyun did I even invite you inside here-"

"Oh Mina! Is that a friend of yours?" Mina's Dad, who's fixing his tie, asked.

"Hi Dad!" oops dahyun made a mistake or did she do it on purpose. Mina's fist is already itching to punch the shit out of Dahyun. "oh I mean Mina's dad.." Dahyun shyly said with a geeky smile.

"Have I seen you before somewhere else??" that question made Dahyun's smile disappear.

Then it returned back after 3 seconds. "no sir I'm sure this is the first time"

"well okay then, nice to meet you. Have breakfast with us" Mina's dad said then he head straight to the dining table.

"well Mina I think it's a bit early for me to meet my in-laws- aHHH!" before dahyun could even finish what shes saying, she receive a kick straight to her butt from Mina. "what was that for??!"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!" Mina tried her best to say it in a calm way.

"geez" Dahyun scratched her butt. "I already told you yesterday that we're going to school together"

"what about sana-"

"I asked her to take care of Tzuyu and Chaeyoung instead" Dahyun proudly said.

Mina is really amazed with Dahyun's attitude that shes using now. This Dahyun is really different from the Dahyun in school, she likes this better.

This is the real Dahyun.

And she likes the real Dahyun.

"oh I feel like I haven't introduced myself properly yet" Dahyun stood up. "I'm Kim Dahyun" then she bowed.

"oh Dahyun you're so energetic!" Mina's mom commented.

"and I'm also courting your daughter"

Those last 3 words feels like it got stuck on Mina's throat and made her choke with her food. Her Dad stopped moving, her Mom stopped from stirring her coffee. It feels like the whole world stopped but when Mina looked at Dahyun and Dahyun smiled back at her everything feels warm to her.

That smile, It melts her. It melts her heart.

"no dad dahyun is just jok-"

"well I see.." Her Dad broke the awkward silence. "as long as our daughter is happy on this we support"

It feels like everything is so unreal for Mina, she didn't thought that her parents would support her for this, dating a girl. She thought she's gonna get disowned after this but the feeling of acceptance rushing through her blood right is just so amazing.

But still Mina already said "fuck you Dahyun" almost 50 times per minute in her head.

"Mina sweetie its okay" her mom smiled at her. Fuck you kim dahyun. "you got our support"

Mina didn't speak or even bother to look at Dahyun the whole breakfast but instead she just listen to what Dahyun says everytime her parents ask her a question.

"hey are you okay?"

Dahyun noticed that Mina's ignoring her (saying Mina's quiet is actually normal) since breakfast and until now that they are walking to the bus stop.

"ignore if not-"

Then there you have Dahyun receiving the second kick from Mina and its just morning.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" Dahyun feels like she just saw Mina's eyes burning in anger. "DON'T YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS BACK THERE AFTER YOU SAID THAT AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE CHANCE TO EXPLAIN IT PROPERLY???" Dahyun wants to get sucked down the ground, she was already chanting prayers in her head.

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" that was not enough to calm Mina down. "I know you know that if ever something bad happened there earlier I would defend your ass right away"

"'oh I'm sorry sir I was just joking' that was on my backup plan!" it looks like Mina's anger got reduced a little. "plus at least they know you date girls though, well in fact, fake date"

You don't have to emphasize that, Mina thought.

"whatever! Lets just go to school!" Mina said then she started walking and Dahyun just watch her walk away. "why aren't you moving?!? We're gonna be late!"

"the bus stop is on this way oh hey are you lost baby girl?" Dahyun cooly said. The embarrassment splashed Mina like a cold water. Her faced lit up bright pink and tried to cover it with her hand. Baby girl?

She looks cute right there I think I want to marry her right away haha joke!, Dahyun thought.

All of a sudden, Dahyun offered her hand for Mina

"you want me to shake hands with you?"


"you want me to chop your hand?-"

"I want you to hold my hand" Dahyun said it like its just nothing but to Mina, she feels like everyone around her disappeared and that Dahyun is the only one she sees.

What's with this sudden fairytale moment.

Mina slowly intertwine her fingers with Dahyun, in that moment she felt some electric in her body.

"don't you get flustered so much I'm only doing my part as your fake-"

"I know I know just shut up and enjoy holding my hand" that shut Dahyun up.

Why is the bus taking too long? But it doesn't really matter though as long as I'm with Dahyun-

"our ride is here!" Dahyun announced.

They ride the bus with their hands still intertwined and it stayed like that the whole ride until they reached school. Dahyun paid for their fare.

"do you have plans on letting go of my hand?" Mina asked while they are walking to their classroom.

"No but actually I can hold this whole day" Dahyun chuckled at her captain America reference.

you're not the Steve Rogers you think you are but I can be your Peggy Carter.

The whole day of school was fine but not for Dahyun because she got caught sleeping in Math class and got scolded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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