Episode 3: Sir Tirtonicous

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(Man carrying a sword as a woman is about to charge him with her sword as well, then a Zanuthan Hartunia (messenger quail) drops something from above. He opens it up and puts his hand up to halt.)

Man: It is a message from the Capital.

Woman: What does the Capitol want with you Sir Tirtonicous?

Tirtonicous: I don't know, Shayamma. I know that I must go as it is a summons by King Zanuthus himself.

Shayamma: What about the school? All these young Zanuthans want to learn from you and you need to teach them your skills.

Tirtonicous: That maybe, but if I don't go we both will know what will happen.

Shayamma: But Sir... You remember what he said to you.

Tirtonicous: I remember that entire conversation. You don't need to remind me.

Shayamma: Then you shouldn't go. It isn't going to be good if you see him.

Tirtonicous: Still... It is a duty to respond to what the king requests. There is no choice whether I stay or go. I must go. Please, I beg you. Have Rindanor help you with teaching the kids and the townspeople are more than willing to help the Great Tirtonicous. I must depart immediately.

(Tirtonicous puts his sword back into its holster and walks toward the protohippus and steps up to ride away.)

Shayamma: Be careful, Sir Tirtonicous. It might be some more aggressive words from King Zanuthus.

Tirtonicous: I understand. HYAAA

(Kicking the protohippus as he rides away towards the Zanuthan Kingdom Capital Zanuth. It takes him about 2.5 hours to ride in and enter the Palace building. There he sees King Zanuthus in the throne room with Mallenstein and others. Walking in he kneels before the king and King Zanuthus stands to speak.)

Zanuthus: Thank you for arriving on such short notice Tirtonicous.

Tirtonicous: Cut the flattery King Zanuthus, I still remember our last conversation here.

Zanuthus: You are in retirement shouldn't you be enjoying it.

Tirtonicous: It wasn't by choice and I remember the words, "I never want to see you in this city ever again." Why call me back here now?

Zanuthus: Tirtonicous, you have served your kingdom proud with your battles fighting the Sauranids and driving battle after battle. You have the distinct honor of being the greatest swordsman without flogin. You are stronger than Mallenstein you know.

Mallenstein: My king, I have gotten stronger since that duel. I could defeat him right now if you asked me to.

Zanuthus: That isn't necessary. This conversation is bigger than anything right now.

Tirtonicous: What is all this about then?

Zanuthus: Yesterday, a monster was unleashed into our world. We have been spreading news that a Zanuthan named Azaan was executed yesterday in the freetokin. (Gulping and shaking in fear) However, Azaan didn't actually die. He unleashed ancient and destructive flogin and became a monster named Santosis. He killed 99% of the Zanuthans watching inside the freetokin. Those that survived suffered from such death experienced anxiety so badly from the event that they died exiting. Some of the torturers killed themselves in the immediate aftermath fearing retribution. The only ones that are still alive from the event are in this room and the Sauranid King and his assistant. They are the only ones who know the truth of what happened.

Tirtonicous: And what do you want with me?

Zanuthus: Kill the monster. Take as many adventurers, soldiers, whatever. Hunt him down and bring something of his to me to signify his death. You can have anything you want. I am willing to give you anything for his death.

Tirtonicous: (Thinking): And what about the Oceanic Confederacy?

Zanuthus: Generals Osatonico and Mallerskyne have been deployed to fight them.

Tirtonicous: There is something we are all missing.

Zanuthus: What do you mean?

Tirtonicous: First the Sauranid Princess is killed, 2nd there is an attack on the battlefield between Sauranids and Zanuthans, 3rd the Oceanic Confederacy attacks both Kingdoms after never being known to exist in the first place. 4th the massacre of Zanuthican, 5th the death of General Has, now Santosis has been released back into the world.

Zanuthus: What are you getting at?

Tirtonicous: I'm saying there is no such thing as coincidences. These must be all connected in some way. I don't know how...

(Just then Zanuthicana walks into the room)

Zanuthicana: Azaan. They were all events with Azaan behind them.

Zanuthus: There is no guarantee one individual could do all those things.

Zanuthicana: Father! Open your eyes! It has to be him!!

Tirtonicous: Then we might be dealing with the most dangerous Zanuthan the world has ever seen...

Zanuthicana: Please!! I beg you, Tirtonicous!!!!

Tirtonicous: I will do this, but I will need time to prepare. The earliest I can begin the pursuit is 30 days and I will choose who accompanies myself on this mission.

Zanuthus: Yes, of course!

Tirtonicous: Well, let the hunt begin!!!

(Meanwhile as the flogin door opens, Santosis opens and struggles out the door.)

Santosis: (panting): I don't think this body will be able to continue.

(Proceeds to throw up blood and looks around in a Cassikin (snow) wasteland.)

Santosis: You can take over for a while if you live through this.

(Santosis collapses in the Cassikin (snow) and falls into a deep unconsciousness in the freezing wasteland as a mysterious figure walks by his body and picks him up.)

To be continued...

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