Episode 7: The Flogin Training Resumes?

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Azaan: (Looking around the room. He grabs the knife and slowly cuts his hand and walks over to Princess Cassinia): This is my answer.

Cassinia: Very well.

(She cuts her hand as well and repeats the words.)

Cassinia: I Cassinia Ruler of the Cassikin Principality. I swear by this oath to aid this man named Azaan in how he sees fit if he agrees to follow my conditions I have laid in front of him.

Azaan: I Azaan agree to your conditions from this day forward until my death.

(As their hands clasp one another the flogin blood contract had officially been formed between the two of them. Their futures were directly linked with one another.)

Cassinia: Now that this has been settled, I believe that it is time to eat.

(As dinner progresses between Azaan, Princess Cassinia and the other Cassikins. The magnitude of the dinner was special as Azaan gets up and is helped to his guest room due to his ongoing injuries. He limps his weak body to bed and begins to sleep, and experiences the nightmares again. He awakens drenched in sweat and walks over to his balcony.)

Azaan: Is this my destiny? To suffer the same constant pain for the rest of my life. I don't know what my future holds, but I must press on for their lives to NOT BE IN VAIN.

(Azaan, still being injured, limps back into his bed and faces the nightmares again until the morning arrives. There to awaken him is General Cassikinus with an enraged look in his eyes.)

General Casskinus: If I were in the Princess' position I would have let you die from your wounds or killed you during the dinner and I wouldn't have made an agreement with you.

Azaan: I'm glad you told me that.

General Cassikinus: You're.... Glad...?

Azaan: I am if I didn't hear your dissent of opinion I probably would think that what I am doing is inherently correct. I mean going to war on the world doesn't seem like the best idea.

General Cassikinus: I thank you for that Azaan. I... also have heard that you are in need of a teacher to strengthen your flogin. If you may, I will, after hearing your words and in accordance with the princess' contract, assist you in training if you wish for it.

Azaan: I appreciate and will accept your offer to help in my training. Unfortunately, I am not in the current condition to train with my current injuries.

General Cassikinus: I believe... that I can assist with that.

(General Cassikinus brings in two other Cassikin guards with him; they assist Azaan by assisting him in walking out of the bedroom and into the holy bath of the Principality for a second time.)

Azaan: General Cassikinus, I have already been here before. It has already shown me what I need to accomplish.

General Cassikinus: You really don't understand flogin, do you?

Azaan: What does that mean?

General Cassikinus: You currently know only a single Cassikin ball out of millions about the power and abilities flogin possesses. I cannot teach you everything in the time you will recover here. However, I can give you more information and have you hone your abilities. Now take off your clothes and proceed into the bath.

(Azaan looking at General Cassikinus' words and knowing that trust is his only option obliges by removing his clothes and walking into the bath for a second time.)

Azaan: What must I do now?

General Cassikinus: You must feel the flogin around you. Close your eyes and feel the flogin flowing through the body. Be one with it and feel the energy around you.

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