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Chapter 1

His sharp teeth pierced into my neck. At first it was painful, but the more he sucked, the more enjoyable it became. He gripped me close, before pulling his mouth away from my neck and dissapearing into the night.

I sta up out of bed, soaking in my own sweat. It was just another dream, I kept telling myself. Every night I dream about him, sinking his teeth into my neck, and then him dissapearing into the darkness. I never once once saw his face, but I imagined it to be beautiful. I grogily walk to the bathroom, and damp myself with a hand towel. I am really sick of these dreams, but at the same time, I like them. His sharp teeth always hit the same spot. Is he a vampire? That's impossible! I  rub my scar on  that familiar spot on my neck, before crawling back into my bed. Hoping to get a peaceful nights sleep.

Beep Beep Beep Beep!

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of my blaring alarm.  I whack it to the ground, and roll back asleep.

The vibrating of my stupid phone soon followed.

"Hello?" i crockily answer.

"Izzy, where are you? Class started 10 minutes ago!".  I recognized the voice as my best friend Sarah.

"Wai- HOLY SHIT!" I hang the phone up, and jump off the bed. My hair was in its usually messy bun, and the plain black tee that I had on was fine. I rummage through my draw, and pull out some short denim pants, before racing frantically toward the bathroom. I quickly applied some mascara, lipgloss, and eyeliner, before grabing my bag and pulling the door behind me.

The drive to school was quick. I park in the nearest available spot, and run to the front office to sign in late... again.

"That's one lecturer missed too many!." Principal Meers voice boomed through his office.

"If this behave continues, you may need to go to extra study over the holidays. You don't want that do you?". Well what can I tell him? sorry sir. The reason I am always late is becaus ei keep having dreams about a vampire biting my neck, and I can never get a good nights sleep. Instead I just shake my head and walk out the door. The bell rings before i have a chance to get to my history lecturer. I mentally curse. I can't keep doing this. I head over to my locker, and see Sarah waiting for me.

"Dude, you can't keep doing this. Is it those dreams? Mabye you should go see someone?" The concern was dripping out of her voice, but there is no way in hell, that I am going to see a shrink.

"I'll be fine. I won't happe again, I promise". I gave Sarah a reassuring hug, and blew her a kiss as I walked off. Thank God I only had the one lecture today. Now I can go home and relax. Oh wait, thats right. I can't relax. Because even if I fall aslepp for 5 minutes, the dream comes back again. Mabye I should see someone about it? I mean seriously, what kind of 17 year old girl has dreams about constantly being bitten by a vampire? I am literally so sick of it. The dreams consume my life. I can never get a job, because I can't focus properly. School becomes a hassle because I am too tired to even wake up on time in the mornings. But there has to be some meaning behind the dreams. I find it kind of creepy that I have a scar there to. I have no idea when I got it, or how.

 But that's the hard thing. I don't know anything.

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