Knifes are sharp

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I clocked in and found Melissa. We didn't have any major cases today, just a few check-ups and whatnot.

I was cleaning and sanitizing the room we just finished in when someone called me to the hallway. I ran out to see a woman holding her arm and a towel stained red. I quickly escorted her into the newly cleaned room and yelled for someone to page, Melissa Mccall.

I examined the wound and discovered it would just need stitches. I started her chart, asking about her pain levels and recording the nessasary things. "How old are you? You look a little young to be a doctor." She asked.

"Oh, I'm not a doctor, I have an internship with the hospital. Right now, I'm just a nurse's assistant, she should be here anytime. I'm Isleen, by the way."

"That's beautiful. Is it a family name?" The woman, Victoria Argent, as I remember from her chart.

I look up to her, "I'm not sure, I can't remember my parents. And the family member who raised me didn't talk about them much."

She didn't say anything else because Melissa walked in. She apologized for the wait. "This is so embarrassing."

"Not at all. I have seen far worse come through these doors. We keep a pair of bolt cutters in the back. Trust me, you don't wanna know what they're for."

"Let me guess. Something about men and their egos." The red-haired woman said back.

I laughed at that, "Mmm. Boys will be boys."

"Trust me, I know. I was a teacher for years at an all boys private school." Melissa was about to give an anesthetic. "Oh, I don't need that"

"Are you serious?" Melissa and I asked at the same time.

She nodded. "Okay."

"Speaking of boys, how's Scott?" I definitely didn't mean to listen in, they were just making small talk and I was there.

"Scott? He's, uh, like every other teenager. Except for this one, who would rather be here with me all day, instead of having actually fun." Melissa nudged me a little, to which I smiled.

Victoria smiled at me too, "I'm sure he was pretty devastated after the whole breakup."

"He has been a little odd lately, well, you know, he's kind of always odd. But he doesn't seem all that..."


"Yeah. Maybe he just hides it well."

"Teenagers are quite good at hiding things, aren't they?"


When I went on my break, I called Stiles. He, of course, didn't answer so I left his a voicemail. "Hey, Stiles call me when you can, it's an important message for Scott."

I ended the call and took my hair out of my ponytail to redo it. I ran my fingers through my hair and shook it. Then put my elbows on my knees.


I looked up to see Victoria, "Hi Victoria, how are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Thank you."

"Of course, it's my job. Well, not yet." We laughed.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to have dinner with my family. As a thank you."

I was genuinely surprised, "I would love too."

"Great, I will see you tomorrow at 7." She got up and walked to her car.

I looked at my watch and saw I needed to get back in to finish my shift. I tilted my head back to gather my hair, putting my scrunchie around and making a bun. I stood up and straightened my scrubs, that's when I saw him.

The leather jacket guy. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before going inside. I did an hour more of work, taking notes and checking in on the patients. I waved goodbye to Melissa and walked outside to see the sheriff's car.

"Is everything alright Sheriff?" I knelt down to see him through the window.

"Can I not pick you up?"

I got into the car, "It makes me a little nervous to see your car parked at the hospital. I don't want to see you hurt that's all. Oh, by the way, I hope you saw the dinner I made. I've been having a lot of night shifts and thought you and Stiles could have a homemade meal."

"You don't have to do that."

"Sheriff, I wanted to. You've been without for a while, I want you to know how appreciative I am." I touched his arm.

"No sweat, kid. It's been nice with you around. How has Stiles been?" He looked at me dead in the eye at a red light.

"As good as can be expected. He's been a great sport driving me around."

"About that..." He stopped the car at the station and came to my side. "I thought since, your work schedule is a little crazy that it might do you some good to have a car."

Behind him was a black 2008 Volkswagen Beetle. "Sheriff, I can't accept this."

He jogged over to me, putting his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the car, "You can and you will. A guy I know owned me a favor, it's all yours."

"I don't know what to say. Thank you." I jumped up to hug him and cried. "Sorry. I just never met my dad and you're the first father figure I've had to look up to."

"Come here, kid." He hugged me for a while. When we broke apart, I wiped my tears and he held the keys in front of my face.

"Now, I don't want any reckless driving and you better come home right after your shift at night." He pointed a finger in my face.

"Aye, aye Sheriff. No dilly-dallying. Thank you again!" I ran over to the car and hopped in. I waved to him as I pulled out. Making a mental note to give him the money from my first check, this car must not have been cheap.

When I pulled up to the house, I didn't see Stiles home yet. So, I took a shower and got all the hospital germs off of me and did a little bit of homework. I had put my headphones on and didn't hear Stiles come in until I smelled trash. "You look great."

"Yeah, thanks. I got your message."

"Tell Scott that his mom and Victoria Argent are onto him and her daughter."

"Noted. Thanks." He turned to leave.

"Also, do you know where that guy that wears that stupid leather jacket lives?"

"Who, Derek?"

"I don't know. The guy from the station, he keeps stalking me. I saw him at the high school when I was shadowing and today at work. I would like to have a word with him."

"I don't think that's such a good idea. I'll get Scott to talk to him, tell him to leave you alone."

"Stiles, you'll come to find out. I can hold my own in a fight. I want to talk to him. Please."

The Runaway || Isaac Lahey   Book 1Where stories live. Discover now