💛 CHAPTER - 01 💛

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Hello Everyone..! 💛


'Agoraphobia consists of a cluster of anxiety-causing phobias which embraces fears of leaving home (e.g. fear of entering shops), crowds, public places and travelling alone on public transport. These cause the patient to become housebound. The lack of an immediately available exit is a feature of many of these agoraphobic situations.'
I write down this paragraph about Agoraphobia in my notebook. I really love reading and collecting information about medical psychiatry In medicine. Because I'm MBBS student. (4th year) Our professor didn't came so everyone is waiting for him. Actually maybe only me because everyone is busy in talking with eachother. Some people are talking. Some girls are doing there make-up. Some are busy in their phones And Here I'm who's writing notes. Who's studying like always. Aahhhh. Because i don't have any friend with whom i can talk when the professor is late. Phewwww. I sigh. And again I dumped my face in my notebook.


Our professor enter the class. We stand up to wish him a good morning. He said 'Good Morning And Sit Down' While looking everywhere in the class then his gaze met mine. He smiled and I smiled back. Because it's kind of rude if I'll not smile back. Right??!

I sat back on my seat.

"So class! Who'll tell me about yesterday's topic?" He asked while looking at every student.

I raised my hand a lil then again keep it back. But professor already saw me. And when I put my hand back down. There was some disappointment in his eyes. Huhhhh. What can i do? There's two reason for pulling this amazing stunt. First.. I hate attention. I don't like I raise my hand. And then I'll give correct answer. And Everyone starts to gawking at me! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And second reason.. I'm not Confident enough. Phew.

"Okay so guys, there's 1 week holiday. I want everyone study well. Because after this week you guys have internal exams. Be prepared" He Announced.

Everyone started to groan. Some was cursing the college. Some was cursing their fate. Some was happy because of getting holidays. And me as usual. No reaction at all. I was busy in my thoughts and suddenly the bell rang. I jump on my seat. I look here and there to confirm that no-one noticed me. And thank God no-one noticed me. I take a deep breath and calm myself and started to put my all books in my bag. When i was done with my putting all my books in my bag. I saw that the classroom is almost empty. There's only me and professor.

I took my bag and moved out of the classroom. I was about to exit.

"Hey? Avni??" Professor called me.

I turned back and answered "Yes, Sir?"

"Come Here" He said looking at me with an intense look.

I hesitantly took steps towards him. Looking down fidgeting my fingers.

"Avni I saw today you know the answer but still you didn't answered? Actually not today always! Why?" He asked me.

"S..si.. sir.. I'm sorry" I said stammering. I turned pale.

"Hey? Avni? I'm not scolding you! I was just.." He said while cupping my cheeks.

"Sir, I'll try to give answer from now" i said Still looking down.

"Good Girl! You know avni? You should take a break! I mean, see you have 1 week holiday, right? So go and enjoy it!" Professor said with excitement.

Falling For My Professor 💛Where stories live. Discover now