Is This A Sin?

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Love those who remind you of yourself.

And so a goddess loved a god.

Both were tainted and blind.


She always saw the world as a TV show where she was the star and everyone else were faceless actors, unimportant and replaceable.

She was the darling, the name on everybody's lip, the one who was loved and worshipped by all.

To herself, she was a goddess.

The star that shined brighter than anyone and was always above all.

Unreachable. Untouchable.

That was until *he* came along.

She had thought that he was just another faceless actor, another man that would fall at her feet, begging for her love. But she was wrong.

He wasn't faceless. No, not at all.

In fact, he had the face of a god.

Light Yagami was a god and she wanted him.

And when he looked at her, she saw it in his eyes, in his cold and calculating gaze, that he wanted her too.

The goddess had finally found her match, her equal, her god and she would do everything to have him.

And if that meant forcing herself to remember memories from another life about a killer notebook, bored flying goths, apples, weird death-seeing eyes, and sweets, then so be it.

She was going to rule this world with Light Yagami by her side, and not even the greatest detective would be able to stop her; not when she knows all of his tricks.

There's only room for two on this stage.

L won't be getting the part as the male lead this time.

Love A Little Less (Death Note) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now