If it Could

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She fumbled with the wrinkles in her skirt, biting her lip and looking lost. The boards light up with updates on the boarding, arrival, and departure times. To her father's amusement, she looks utterly confused and astray. Just as she was about to readjust her hair for the fiftieth time, the tour guide showed up.

Greetings, goodbyes, and friends were made, chattering all the nerves away in the long corridors of the airport. Upon arriving at the boarding gate, she yet had to introduce herself to a, particularly good looking tour member.

As she gazed into his mysteriously dark, sparkling eyes she looked away quite often, afraid that he may notice her gawking. His luxuriously slicked brown hair reminded her of melted chocolate, dripping over the perfect strawberry in the moments when he blushed deeply. His perfectly balanced broad shoulders sent her off balance many times, mentally.

Though she had dreamed of the opportunity to travel abroad, she hadn't thought about perhaps meeting a close to perfect boy.

On the contrary, he had stepped onto the platform of a well known international airport, as he had flown abroad many times before. He walked with confidence, assured of himself as he knew what to do. However, all his assertiveness seemed to have gone the moment he laid his eyes on her.

She was his opposite, in so many ways: hair that could be compared to golden strings, a much more colorful mien than his own. He found that he wanted to count her freckles, marking each one and connecting the dots.

Their smiles were just as vibrant as their demeanors, their questions everlasting, and kindness never-ending. Every moment that passed between them, they both cherished as they were unsure of what would happen next.

She depended on him more often than she should, clinging onto him as her guide through a foreign country.

He needed her not but only for one reason. He needed her to be his sunshine.

They soon grew on each other; enjoyed the other's company and had the most meaningful conversations one can only dream of. The other's laughter only brought a smile to their faces. Moments together became revered memories, and admiration for each other became young love.

There were never any fallacies; they could resolve any form of matter with ease.

Albeit in love, they could never officially label their relationship as anything other than in love.

In the course of time, it became crystal clear that they were indeed an oxymoron placed together for some purpose; to them it made sense.

They shared the love of reading, learning, and for each other. Unfortunately, these were all that they shared.

When she went outside, spending her time in the sun rays, he spent his time indoors, behind a digital screen. Because of him, she altered her usual routine of sunbathing to suit a routine of his.

Soon he realized the difference in her.

Her skin soon became pale, and her demeanor dulled. She spent more days in doubt and hesitation than in awe of life and fun. He'd fallen in love with her because of the latter, but little did he know that her stability was being demolished.

He stopped noticing, and she stopped expecting.

Their once endless exchanging words turned to silence.

The way the world had stopped whenever they were together was the way it had stopped for them.

She gave signs, but he never took notice. Where he could once read her mind, the ability had gone.

Their hold on the other weakened. Their distance brought questions left unanswered.

Back to back, they turned. One step became two; a glance back hurt too much. So they lifted their chins, stared their future in the eye, and walked away.

But all that was, wasn't forgotten. She walked with confidence, knowing he used to love her, that he thought she was beautiful. She could give herself the compliments he used to pour.

He walked away with more than what was asked for; a teaching of love, the affection he never thought he'd receive, a first love, and newfound confidence.

They weren't bad for each other, but they weren't perfect either. It was the idea of what could've been which had seemed complete. They were flattered, excited, and amazed.

Till this day she knows not how he feels, nor what he thinks. She merely hopes he doesn't think less of her.

What she is certain of, though, is this: If it's meant to be, set it free; if it comes back, it's yours.

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