THIRTEEN: Conclusions

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"Shit, they really went after freckles, didn't they? Who event made these events up?"

It was the second intermission of the first Sports Festival day, and I was rather surprised at how hard the kids were fighting. They all wanted to win.
"Well, he did have the most points! Ah, I'm proud of the little listeners! The finals will be fun!" Yamada pumped his fists in the air, swivelling his chair back and forth. Meanwhile, Aizawa just sat there, staring out at the field with a bored expression.

He's why the hell doesn't he show it?

My behaviour had even surprised me. Not once had I tried to steal the mic, or really bugged anyone at all. It was completely out of character.
"Well, I'm gonna go get a soda, maybe check on the girls while I'm at it. Y'know, be a caring role model and all that junk." Stretching my arms over my head, I started towards the door.

"Don't be gone too long." Aizawa called after me, and I paused, smirking when I turned back to face him.
"What's this? Shota is worried about lil ol' me?" When I placed a hand on my chest I could see his frustration, plain as day, even behind his wrappings.
"I'm concerned that you'll cause trouble. You're not supposed to walk around without an escort, b-"

"Come on, man! She's not a villain! You're so anal about these rules, it's not like Nezu thinks she's gonna do anything majorly bad!" Yamada piped up to defend me, but Aizawa just heaved a sigh, slumping down further into his seat.
"I wasn't finished. Despite the agreement, I trust you to behave. Act like an adult."

I mean, I'm happy he kind of trusts me...but am I really that misbehaved?

Saluting him with as much exuberance as I could muster, I shouted an 'aye aye' in return before exiting, quickly making my way down to the cafeteria.
"Here you go, missy! One can of Mirk'ola and a Fatgum Surprise!" Lunch Rush cheerfully handed me my order, and I thanked him with a grin as I turned away, ready to try and seek the girls out.

"Oh, Miss (Y/N)!" It seemed that I didn't have to, as Yaoyorozu and Jiro both came trotting up to me. The former began to twiddle her thumbs, her shyness apparent. "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you'd heard anything about the cheer routine?"

Holding a finger up for her to wait a moment, I unwrapped my Fatgum Surprise pastry, taking a bite and internally sobbing because it was (Least Favourite Flavour).
"Well, damn. Okay, uh, the what now? Cheer routine? I'm lost."

Thumbing over her shoulder, Jiro motioned to a pair of boys, who I recognised immediately.
"Mineta and Kaminari said that Mr. Aizawa has all the girls signed up to cheer with those American girls for intermission, but we haven't heard anything about it."

Ah. Okay. Teen boys out for skimpy skirts. I get that.

Now, as a responsible adult, it was my duty to inform them that this was obviously all a perverted plot, but I couldn't make myself do it. Cheering sounded like a load of fun.
"Shota doesn't really share much with me, but they're probably right! Hey, here's a wild idea...I'll join you! Do we have the outfits?"

"Oh,, but I can make some!"



Yamada's voice boomed through the speakers as I stood proudly among the less-confident girls, pom-poms in hand and grinning widely.
"I'm gonna kill them..." Jiro growled under her breath, glaring daggers at Kaminari and Mineta, who stood to the side with rosy cheeks.

"M..Miss (Y/N), I thought you said we were supposed to be doing this..?" Uraraka hid behind her pom-poms, eyes darting around nervously.
"No, I said it was probably true. Come on, there's no harm in having fun! You all look incredible!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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