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Turns out I was right my photography teacher was completely chill with me showing up with a cartoon of ice cream. I think this may be my favorite class.

My teacher seemed really young for his age. His name was Huang Zitao but insisted that I call him Tao. He seemed to have quite the an eye for fashion and camerawork.

Also did I mention I met another Pastel? Mingyu and damn, this kid is tall! He's surely got a few inches on me. But yeah yippee over the course of one day I've met like 3 of the Pastels??

Today in class Tao explained this years big assignment. "For this project, I want you all to collect a secence of photos and describe what those moments ment to you through a series of emotions." Tao explained handing out the instructions.

And my last class of the day was another elective that I chose. Music; Electronic Beats.

And suprise suprise I met another Pastel, Vernon. Just my luck, apparently according to Johnny Vernon was a chill person. God I hope he was right.

"Hi you much be our new student I'm your teacher Eric Nam. And yes I know, I don't look like the person to teach this type of class and to be honest I dont know why I'm here either." Eric says as I bow in response with a laugh.

"Hey." I hear Vernon call out to me as he Pat's the desk next to him. "Sit next to me." He smiled as I sat down cautiously.

"I'm Vernon." He said holding out his hand as I took it. "S.coups." I say finally introducing myself as my nickname.

"As in Coup Dé'tat?" He asks and I nodded. "Dude that a cool ass nickname! Mine is just my middle name because it sounds a tad bit cooler than Hansol." Vernon laughs.

"Okay Vernon I know it's nice for you to finally not be awkward here but you both got to pay attention." Eric said as I could hardly contain my laughs.

"Wow thanks." Vernon rolls his eyes as he leans back in his chair, trying to tune us out. Eric just continued to laugh before returning back to the lessons.

The final bell rang within the next half hour, allowing us to exit out of classes to head home, or whatever non losers like myself would do.

I was planning on going straight out to my dad's car but a certain loud voice caught my attention. "OH COME ON LET ME READ IT!" It was Soonyoung a Pastel, ya know the mean one.

"I said no, it's my book and my lyrics. Not pages of nonsense for your easy entertainment." Another one said. Johnny said that was Jihoon.

"Oh come on! You never share you little love songs." Soonyoung teases as he continued to try snatch the others journal, but managed to snag a singular paper.

"You know I don't know anything about love now give me that song back, I need it to practice!" Jihoon pleaded as he tried to grab the paper.

"Oh please you have a million, all you do is write songs. You see that dang book more than us!" Soonyoung said.

And see this is where I regret ever listening for more than 30 seconds. "Hey, he said he needs to practice. Can you please give that paper back, if he wanted you to listen to it. He'd perform it for you or something." I cut in.

Soonyoung and Jihoon both look at me in shock. But Soonyoung then smiles at me in wonder. "Wow this is new." Soonyoung laughs as he slowly and painfully rips the music sheet in half.

"Hey Dok! We need some stickers we got a nofun bum!" He calls over his shoulder to the orange haired male known as Seokmin.

"Awww such a grumpy looking one too!" Seokmin taunts as he pulls 2 stickers off the pad and sticks them on each side of my cheeks.

"There! Now maybe you can try and look a bit more happier!" Soonyoung says sarcastically as he throws the ripped peices of papers into the air as him and Seokmin turn around to leave.

I immediately grabbed the paper and handed it back to Jihoon. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!" I apologize and he shakes his head and waved his hand.

"Hey it's okay, he atleast stopped annoying me. So that's a plus." He shrugged as I immediately opend my backpack and started searching for something.

"Here take this." I say handing him my mini tape dispenser. "Use as much as you want to try and tape it back together." I say as Jihoon nodds slowly.

"Thanks." He said quietly as I nodded and walked right out of the front exit. Without looking back, I made a dash for my Dad's car.

"Hey how was- Why do you have stickers on your face?" My dad asked as I mentally groaned. "Just drive." I sigh.

Pastel Rainbow Rebels <Seventeen>Where stories live. Discover now