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Right after pizza Seungkwan insisted on reading the next few questions. "Shopping or fine dinning?" He asked as the rooms were still divided.

Me and Minki were way too poor for a rich and fancy fine dinning like Seungkwan was talking about, I know because I had to drive Woozi to one and I know that it's real highclass.

And Knowing exactly what Seungkwan ment by shopping, it was hard for me and Minki to pick. Eventually we just picked shopping, because we've atleast done that.

"Thick ass or skinny legend, aka your flat but that waist be snatched." Seungkwan said. He took initiative in separating us himself.

He put himself, Me, Woozi and Dino in thick and everyone else in flat but snatched. "I'm sorry but DK does not count, this side is only for people who have an actual ass." Seungkwan sassed.

"Really?" I ask turning to look at my butt. "I mean it works when I'm leather?" I shrug as Jeonghan gasps. "HOW COME I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU IN LEATHER PANTS?! THAT'S GOING ON MY WISH LIST!" Jeonghan said writing it down on his phone.

"Okay Tall or short?" Seungkwan asked as I stayed on the left side because I was 5'10 along with most of us.

"This is so unfair." Woozi grumbles as he and Dino make their way to the short section. "Especially since your LIKE 16! YOU SHOULD NOT BE THIS TALL!" Woozi shouts at Sungchan who was in tall section because he was the same height as Jun and Wonwoo.

"Gold or Diamonds?" Seungkwan asked as he moved to the diamond side.

Me, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Doyoung, Woozi, Mingyu, Vernon, and Sungchan all chose gold.

Jeonghan, Minki, Dk, The8, Seungkwan, and Dino chose diamonds which was not all that surprising.

Since that was the last question for this or that we spilt into teams of 8 and attempted twister to see who could last the longest without falling over.  Or breaking in half.

While we were in the middle of listening to Seungkwan explain while he has collected 288 Starbucks cups. YEAH 288 STARBUCKS CUPS! OF ALL DIFFERENT SORTS AND DESIGNS AND MUGS AND CRAP!

While Dk and him were arguing over the fact Dk may have more shot glasses, Me and Minki both got a text. It was dad saying he needed to come get us and it was urgent.

"Guys, uh me and Minki have to go. Dad needs us sorry." I say as they all say its totally fine and they understand.

"Sorry baby, I'll text you tonight okay?" I whisper to Jeonghan before stealing a quick kiss from him. "Its no big deal, I understand completely!" Jeonghan reassured me as he ruffled my hair.

Me and Minki grab our things and wait outside for dad. Who was already waiting outside for us, when we got in the car we could see he was upset.

"Um boys, I have to tell you this." Dad said turning to face us, there were slight tears in his eyes. "I got a call from the hospital. And- " Dad sighed deeply.

"She didn't make it through."

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