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Hey hey hey everyone, and welcome to the first ever, KOTLC based community!

Here you can expect The Keeper Awards (a fanfiction competition made SPECIFICALLY for KOTLC fanfictions!) KOTLC One Shot Wars (and multiple seasons as well!), and other fun contests and events that you can look forward to!

Due to some of the recent hacking business, we will only be allowing admins to know the password to the account! Once an admin leaves, we will change it :) This is to ensure the safety of our account, and our members!

Currently, we are not accepting new admins at the moment! This will change :D

Wondering what you can do, and what will happen if you join?

1. For starters, only members are allowed to enter the competitions! Trust us, there's absolutely NO chance that you won't be accepted, if you fill out or simple form correctly! Really, forms are just to make sure you all are paying attention :)

2. This is your chance to connect with other fans! Have you ever wished that you knew SOMEBODY who read KOTLC as well? This community will help gather those die hard fans, so everyone has somebody to squeal and fangirl with :)

Note: When I say fan"girl" I don't mean that this community is only open to girls- all genders, ethnicity, ages, races, and religions are certainly welcome! (If you are discrimatory for any of these reasons, you will be immediately kicked out of the community :)) Fangirling is just a term :)

Password is your favorite character in KOTLC, favorite book, favorite cover, or favorite animal! (Of course, your favorite KOTLC book, favorite KOTLC cover, and favorite animal in the KOTLC world!)

3. You have a chance to become an admin! If you'd like to be an admin, please say so inline! 

4. More coming soon!

"Ok," you might be thinking. "That all sounds well and all, but... how do I join?"

Simple! Fill out this easy form! If you do it correctly, there's NO chance we'll say no! (Password was stated above)


Interested in joining a contest? (This won't effect your acceptance, we're just curious)



And... that's it! Fill it out in the comments, or inline here --------->

We're glad to have you part of our community! Rules on the next chapter!

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