The Rumour

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The story was about a temple in the near by forest dedicated to the forest gods. A temple once so cared for, so cherished; the god prayed to, now nothing remained.

Human's ungrateful behaviour was the cause of all. See the gods had taken care of the village and its people, they faced no hindrance in their life. But as time passed humans became arrogant, they thought they deserved everything ,even started to challenge the gods .

The angered gods rained down on them, devastation and sickness spread all around. At the end a treaty was struck , a sacrifice offered. The gods would come for its reaping every 150 years.

As time passed so did people's memory. All the miseries they once faced were forgotten. Time for the new reaping had already passed .The village seemed ignorant to this fact.

But not anymore people were scrambling for a solution, they were in the verge of doing anything to get out of this mess and when this rumour reached everyone's ear they thought this might be it , a solution to their problems.

Everyone were in search off a sacrifice. It was not easy to find someone who was willing to give up their life. Suddenly all eyes fell on jane.

A girl whose mother was already dead, father who was in his deathbed. She was a soon to be orphan.

People were flocking at her doorstep pleading and begging her to relieve them from their misery. She did take pity on them, but not enough to sacrifice her on life.But as time passed,the pleadings turned into pressure. Everyone started blaming her for all the events that was taking place .

Being isolated by once community is not something that can be overlooked.Her father needed help and there was no where she could turn to.

Everything was getting to her,at the end she decided that she had to save her father even if it meant her death.

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