iii. that was easily flirting.

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♯⠀⠀chapter three.

that was easily flirting     ⋆·˚ ༘ *

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that was easily flirting     ⋆·˚ ༘ *

ADDISON WAS SITTING ON THE bed of her hospital room with her legs criss crossed

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ADDISON WAS SITTING ON THE bed of her hospital room with her legs criss crossed. her nurse, olivia, was supposed to come in soon to check up on her.

hopefully she would be able to leave later that day or tomorrow. the hospital wanted to keep her overnight incase if a concussion.

after a few minutes of just scrolling through her phone a knock came to her door. it was cracked open the slightest.

a man who seemed maybe a few years older than her stood in the entryway. he had sandy blonde hair and electric blue eyes. she knew she recognized him from somewhere but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"you can come in." she spoke softly, she was never one to talk sternly or loudly. "hi" she smiled to towards the man.

he quickly returned it as he pushed the door open enough to get in. "hello, olivia told me to come in here. she's running a little late and said it be easier to have both of us in the same room."

his tone was light and kind and his eyes shone as he spoke. addison quickly nodded "yeah, yeah come sit."

he mumbled a quick 'thanks' before sitting in the chair next to her. "i'm chris by the way." he held his hand out as if they were at a business meeting.

"we're in a hospital, not a cubicle. you really want a handshake?"

"what would you prefer? a high five?"

addi let out a quick laugh before pretending to think hard about it. she came to her conclusion before saying, "yes."

the man, chris, shook his head at her, but the smile on his lips showed he found it more amusing then anything.

Last Time I Say Sorry,     Chris Evans. ✓Where stories live. Discover now