Chapter 6

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Author's POV

"K-Kacchan! I c-can explain!" The now petrified broccoli boy exclaimed as your atomic bomb of a brother hooked his arm around your stomach, lifting you up to your feet and holding you protectively. Midoriya scrambled to his feet shakily, but Bakugou just growled, clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. Though you grabbed his wrists before he could do anything and sighed.

"It was my fault, Katsuki." You stated, making the angry pomerainian look over to you with a questioning stare. "I wasn't looking where I was going and he just so happened to break my fall." You continued before Bakugou's glare returned in Midoriya's direction. You heard Midoriya physically gulp as your brother grabbed his collar in one swift motion.

"She better not be lying just to save your sorry ass, Deku." He snarled as the poor shaking boy shook his head violently.

"I-It's not a lie, I swear!" Midoriya replied, hoping Bakugou would believe him. The ash blonde clicked his tongue before he dropped Midoriya's shivering body.

"You better not touch her again... Damn Deku..." He growled before grabbing your wrist and dragging you away with him.

- Time Skip to the End of School - 

You and your brother arrived home, resulting with him kicking the front door open.

"Katsuki! How many times have I told you Not to kick the door off it's hinges?!" A scream sounded from the kitchen.

"Oh shut up you old hag!" He yelled back, kicking his shoes off before stomping up the stairs. You sighed, taking your shoes off and kicking your brothers's shoes to the side as your mother's head peered around the corner.

"Hello honey! Has a good day at school?" She asked, smiling. You shrugged and followed her figure into the kitchen.

"It was alright I guess." You replied, leaning back against the counter next to your mom.

"What riled the brat up?" She asked, stirring her famous chicken tikka. You froze before looking away, a blush erupting across your cheeks as the events of the day replayed in your mind.

"J-Just Deku stuff." You replied, stuttering ever so slightly. A sudden clang of metal against metal caught your attention and you looked over to your mother. Her face was plastered with a hard glare that bore into your own E/c orbs. You gulped quietly.

"You stuttered. You never stutter unless you're lying. So spill it." She deadpanned as she placed a hand on her hip and the other on the counter. "What actually happened? You're blushing as well." She continued and you sighed.

"It was something to do with Midoriya. But I was also thrown into the mix..." You explained, trailing off. Your mom nodded and you continued. "I may have been in a rush and crashed into him, making us both fall and I landed on top of him. But I didn't move straight away. I just froze and stared at him... I never knew how cute he looked up close now that he's grown and matured. And that's when Katsuki caused a minor scene."

"Oooooh~ Does my baby girl have a crush~?" Your mom teased as she pinched your now burning cheeks. You scoffed, swatting her hands away and pouting.

"It's nothing like that mom! I l-like someone else!" You shouted but immediately regretted it. You slammed your hand over your mouth as your mother smiled as wide as the Grinch, but a huge crash was heard from upstairs, followed by thundering footsteps crashed down the staircase. An angry Katsuki soon came into view.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Your brother boomed, stomping up to you. A scowl evident on his face.

"N-Nothing..." You replied, stuttering again. Katsuki growled, knowing exactly what your stuttering meant.

"Don't lie to me Y/n! Tell me who you the fuck you like!" He yelled, just before he got a harsh slap to the back of his head.

"Leave her alone, Katsuki! She doesn't need to tell you anything!" Your mom defended as he just glared at her. You quickly slipped away before a full on argument blew up and you ran upstairs to your room.

You sighed, leaning back against the door and was left with your thoughts.

'Why did I have to tell her? I knew something was going to happen. I knew Katsuki would've found out sooner or later, but I'd hoped that it would be with-'

Your thoughts were interrupted by a light knock on the door. you turned and cracked the door open.

"Hey love. May I come in?" A soft voice greeted and I opened the door fully and smiled.

"Hey dad. Come on in." You replied and stepped out the was as he strolled in.

"Yout mother explained everything and sent me up once she realised you had disappeared." He explained as he sat on your bed. You closed the door and took a few steps forward. Your father looked up at you and furrowed his eyebrows. "Is something on your mind?" He asked, making you shrug. he patted the space beside him and you obeyed, taking a seat next to him. "What's wrong, love?"

"It's complicated, dad." You started, playing with the hem of your school shirt. "I don't know how or what to feel at the moment." You added and looked at the floor.

"Elaborate." Your father stated and you took a deep breath.

"Do you remember Kirishima, Katsuki's friend?" You asked and he nodded slowly. "Well, I have a crush on him. For a long time. And I've always thought highly of him. He's so kind, caring and has been there for me since day one. But... Something happened earlier today... I can't stop thinking about it." you explained and your father kept his gaze on you.

"Your mother already explained what happened today but do go on." He stated, putting an arm around you and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I felt something when I was frozen. Something I've never felt while looking at Kiri. it was like a warm fuzzy feeling but also a weird feeling at the same time. I can't get his face out my head either." You continued and heard a hum from beside you. You looked up to see your father rubbing his chin.

"I understand. Teenage love can be very confusing. But I may have a solution." He chimed, looking down at you with a soft expression. You tilted you head and he smiled. "How about you confess this to Kirishima boy? And if he rejects you and you feel fine, then you know your heart is with Midoriya." He continued and you contemplated it. It didn't sound half bad. You smiled and nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea. Thanks dad." you beamed, hugging him. He chuckled and hugged you back. You were always closer to your dad. He was always the calm and rational one for you to go to.

"Dinner's ready!" You both heard from downstairs, interrupting the moment. Your father pulled away, smiling.

"Come on. Let's go down before it gets cold." He chirped, getting up and strolling towards the door. You got up and followed him down to dinner.


I am alive!!!

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