Chapter 24: Challenge

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Chapter 24: Challenge

Alena Fleur

I was hugging the orange teddy bear, which Elian had in his room, while sitting against the headboard when Elian entered the room.

"Why are you in my room and why are you still up?" he asked and went towards his dressing table to take off his wristwatch and cufflinks.

"I was waiting for you," I mumbled.

I was scared that he would get hurt while finishing off the Blacklist gang, but he seemed fine, which was a huge relief.

"Is the Blacklist gang over now?" I asked, and he nodded. "You aren't lying to me again like last time, are you?"

"Nope. Xavier is now our captive. Ash will hand him to the police tomorrow after torturing him so that our company can be completely free of charges," Elian stated.

"I see."

He arched an eyebrow in the mirror. "What's wrong? You sound upset."

I shook my head and buried my face in the teddy bear, starting to tear up again.


"Why are you bothering? I don't matter to you. Just ignore me."

"First of all, I never said you don't matter to me. Secondly, you're sitting in my bed, how can I ignore you?" he pointed out.

"No one wants your logic right now. Shut up," I sniffled.

He walked over to me and sat beside me. "What is it, then? Tell me, and I will shut up."

"All of you left my amnesia untreated," I mumbled.

"I had no say in it. But isn't it better that way?"

"They are my memories, Elian. I don't want them to get lost forever. I want them back."

"But Alena—"

"And I will get back. I will go to the hospital and see a doctor—"

"But you hate the hospital—"

"I will still go," I said stubbornly. "I will get my memories back, and then, I will see how you push me away."

"Alena, why are you so eager to hurt yourself?"

"I'm not trying to hurt myself. I just want us to be together, don't you get it?" I asked him.

"I honestly don't. You can find someone else. I'm sure there are other guys who can make you happy, probably happier than I ever made you. My life is fucked up. You were hurt because of me. It's better if you stay—"

"Don't repeat that crap because that's not going to convince me. I will win you back, Elian. Watch me," I challenged him.

"You can try," he responded and got up. "For now, get out. I need to change."

"I'm going to stay right here," I said adamantly and laid down on the bed. I pulled over the duvet up to my chest and announced, "I'm not moving an inch. You can sleep in another room if you want."

"You know, I can just pick you up and dump you in another room."

"I will keep coming back."

He shook his head in disbelief and made his way towards the walk-in closet to get his pajamas before heading to shower.

When he came out shirtless, I tried not to stare and have a mini internal freak-out at the realization that this hot body used to belong to me.

Elian laid down on the bed beside me, and I gasped, sounding scandalized, "What are you doing, mister?"

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