"Little Do You Know."

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(A/N: It's a new POV!)

*OJ's POV*

I suddenly feel sick with worry

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I suddenly feel sick with worry. Why isn't she answering her phone? This isn't like her at all...


"Hey, Lucas..."

"Have you heard from her," he asks, his voice cracking at the end. His eyes are red and puffy. I can't say I blame him though, Max broke up with him over text and she hasn't been to school in days.

"Sadly, no. Sorry."

"It's ok... Why did she break up with me?" Aw, man. Puppy dog eyes! My weakness!

"I honestly have no idea. The only reason she would do that is if-" I cut myself off, realization hitting me.

"If what?"

"If she didn't have any other choice."

"What do you mean 'if she didn't have any other choice'?"

"Do you remember how I said Jexica could be catfishing her?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what that has to do with Maxine breaking up with me."

"Well, I think Jexica or rather Riley is the cause of that."

"How-," he cuts himself off as if he also made a realization. "She's being Cyberbullied," he finishes.

"Bingo." Before I can even blink, Lucas is gone. I gather Zay, Farkle, Smackle, and Maya so we can follow the Texas Ranger

*At The Mathews' residence/ Lucas's POV*

I can't believe she didn't tell me this was happening to her. I could have done something. Anything. My poor Princess. I knock on the door, rapidly.

"Lucas," Mrs. Mathews says, surprised.

"Where is she," I ask, frantically.

"Oh, Honey... She won't come out of her room. I tried."

"What about her window? Is it locked?"

"No, it's not. Follow me." Lightbulb. I follow her to Auggie's room and go through his window. I make it to Maxine's window and open it, walking through, and what I see/hear breaks my heart. Curled up in her bed with the covers over her, I hear loud/ broken sobs. Which makes me rush over and sit beside her.

"Baby girl?"

"L-Lucas," she asks, brokenly.

"I'm right here, Princess," I say while I bring her into my lap, making my way to her bay window. She continues to cry loudly, forming cracks in my heart and damn does it hurt.

"I'm- I'm s-so s-sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for," I say, rubbing her back.

"P-promise," she stutters out.

"I promise," I say with sincerity.

"I l-love you."

"I love you, Princess."

*OJ's POV/ Riley's room*

I walk angrily to Riley's room, determination in my stride. Bursting through the door, I see her sitting in her bay window.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she says calmly.

"Oh, that's it! I'MMA HIT A B*TCH," I scream, lunging at her and this time no one stops me. Tackling her to the floor, I pin her down and say, "You had no right to do that to her! She is the sweetest, kindest person I know and you broke her!" I slap her, hard, making her cry out. Good. Suddenly someone pulls me off before I can continue my assault. "Hey! Let me give her a black eye! She deserves it," I say trying to squirm out of their hold.

"You need to calm down," Farkle says. Wait, Farkle pulled me off of Riley? I was expecting Lucas or even Zay.

"Let me go, Boy Genius!"

"No," he says, his hold getting stronger. How the f*ck is this boy so strong??

"Fine," I say, crossing my arms and pouting. I look over and see Maya, Zay, and Smackle scolding Riley. She deserves worse than that.

"Are you done being mad yet?"

"Does it look like I am, Farkle?"

"I'll take that as a no," he says, not letting me go. Suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews walk-in.

"Can you all go to Max's room? We'd like to speak with Riley," Mrs. Mathews says, gritting her teeth. We all leave and do as we're told. Shit's about to go down.

*Riley's POV (A/N: Last POV Change this chapter, I promise!)

When everyone leaves except for my parents, I let out a sigh of relief- that feeling doesn't last long though.

"Corey, start packing her things," my mother demands.

I gulp and say, "What's going on?"

"This is your punishment," she replies.

"Daddy, what's Mom talking about?"

"We're sending you away this time, Riley," he answers.

"Why? What did I do?"

"Don't get me started, Young lady," my mom says. They continue packing up my things, except for my phone and laptop.

"That's not fair! You can't take those," I yell, tears forming in my eyes.

"We pay for them, so we can take them."


"Not another word, Riley Marie Mathews!" I shut my mouth. They finish packing and my mom drags me out by my ear, my dad following behind. This is all her fault. I'm not the one who should be sent away, Max is. I get one text on my phone and it's from Maya. :

Little do you know how she was breaking inside...

I try to respond, but she blocked me- just like my other so-called friends.

*A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I just thought this was a good place to end. I am dedicating this chapter to @Cheerios1234567 because they wanted to know how OJ would react when she found out Max was getting bullied. I hope you like it!*

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