Chapter 8 ~ Unmasking Evil

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The next morning came and went without incident, although I kept daydreaming about Draco and I. It's official, I am completely head over heels for this boy; both in the figurative and literal sense because in the midst of my daydreaming I tripped and almost took a nosedive into the floor again. But strong hands gripped my waist and arm, helping me regain my balance.

"Thanks," I released what remained of my gasp as the person let go of me and I turned around. I met the kind eyes of one of my closest friends.

"You all right, Veronica?" Neville asked worriedly.

"Yeah, sorry. I guess I'm just not paying much attention to my surroundings today." I admitted with a tiny laugh. Neville grinned back at me, clearly figuring out that something was distracting me and having a pretty good idea of what it could be. I flushed scarlet and thanked him again before we continued into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Umbridge was in her usual "saintly" mood, disciplining people for no reason other than for her own entertainment. And her punishments were no longer focused on students. Now she was also directing her harassment onto the Hogwarts professors. She had already fired Professor Trelawney, and while the seer wasn't exactly my favorite teacher, I did not think that terminating her, especially in the middle of the school term, was necessary at all. No one knew who Umbridge would get rid of next. Practically every student and faculty member was walking on eggshells around the horrendous woman, afraid that at any moment she would snap.

At the end of her rather tedious lecture, Umbridge dismissed everyone except for me, taking my friends and I entirely off guard. "Miss Dovefeather, may I speak with you?" She called out into the emptying classroom, motioning with her finger for me to follow her into her private office.

Draco's head snapped up in confusion along with mine, both of us knowing I hadn't done anything remotely wrong, certainly not in her presence. Harry gave me a supportive pat on the shoulder and a tight-lipped smile. Hermione shook her head and gazed at me sympathetically. Meanwhile, Ron and Neville both stared on in dismay as I gathered my belongings and trailed carefully after Umbridge into the foreboding room.

Once in the Ministry woman's office, I was overwhelmed with vibrant shades of pink on every possible surface of the room. And I thought that Madam Puddifoot's was intense...Although the office was bright and the color palette consisted of pale pink and mauve hues, the atmosphere was thick with darkness and tension. Decorative china plates hung around the room, each one containing a moving painting of a different breed of cat (or kittens), all meowing or purring in greeting as I entered the round chamber. The feline decor was the only aspect of Umbridge's office that I remotely cared for, so I contented myself with analyzing each dish as I waited for the Ministry woman to invite me in.

Clearing my throat, I decided it was best that I announced my arrival. "You wanted to see me, Professor?"

The older witch glanced up from the papers she was rearranging upon her desk to take note of my presence. "Yes, please take a seat..." She mumbled, scribbling something on a notepad in front of her. I did as directed, perching myself upon the high-backed chair on the other side of her desk. She made a few tiny hmph sounds before meeting my eyes. "Miss Dovefeather, I understand that you are, shall I say, muggle-born. Am I correct?" She asked, raising her eyebrows skeptically at me.

"Yes, Professor," I replied uneasily, hesitant about where this conversation may be going. Does she know about Draco and I?

Still, she continued before I could even ask why my blood status was relevant. "And yet, you and Miss Granger are at the top of all your classes. Why, your marks even compare to those belonging to purebloods such as Mr. Malfoy and Miss Parkinson. How is that so?" She questioned me, providing me with one of her best insincere giggles as she spoke.

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