Chapter 14 ~ Inner Light

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By the time that I finally opened my eyes again, we were soaring higher than even the castle towers, safe from the creatures in the Forbidden Forest far below us.

"Thank you. You sort of saved me again." I whispered into my boyfriend's shoulder, loosening my grip around his torso so that I didn't suffocate him.

"Sort of?" He jested in response to my words.

"Okay, you did save me again." I replied, laughing shakily.

Draco was silent again, though I could still tell he was smirking. Both of us calming down once more, he began to steer the Nimbus toward a patch of trees beside the greenhouses.

As we hovered in the area, Draco began to speak once more. "If it wasn't for your quick thinking we'd both be dead. How did you cast a patronus anyway?" He inquired, landing in the center of the saplings and helping me off the broom for the second time in a span of two days.

"I honestly don't know. It was sort of just...instinct, I guess. I mean, I've read about the spell in our Defense Against the Dark Arts books, but I've never used it before. I know Harry's been able to do it though; Professor Lupin taught him during Third Year. I just figured, if it works against dementors, it may work against acromantulas, if only because they're scared of light." I explained. "Do you know how to cast it?" I questioned my boyfriend curiously.

Draco shook his head, "No, would you show me?" He asked, his gaze holding genuine interest in the subject.

Slightly taken aback, I nodded and watched as Draco pulled his wand from the inside of his jacket and held it at the ready. I stepped closer to my boyfriend, standing near his shoulder as he prepared himself to cast the spell.

"Concentrate on your happiest memory and let it fill you up. Imagine the memory as a ball of light within you, and when you're ready, just say Expecto Patronum, and project the light out of yourself. This is one of those charms that requires more feeling than thinking." I attempted to describe the instructions in a way that would make the most sense.

Nodding to express his understanding, Draco opened his mouth to speak.

"Wait!" I interjected, startling him.

I reached forward and adjusted his arm to position it more precisely. "There, perfect." I smiled and backed away to allow him to continue.

He glanced at me for another moment or two, as if double checking to make sure I wasn't going to interrupt him again. Then he turned to face forward again.

"Expecto Patronum!" He spoke with his usual confidence, flourishing his wand in the correct upward motion.

A silver beam shot from the tip of his wand, the light quickly materializing into the bright form of a dragon, one that was easily the size of a small horse. The reptilian patronus had a pointed snout, sleek horns that protruded from the back of its skull and curved upward, and a long tail that ended with an arrow-shaped tip. The dragon unfurled its massive wings in order to take flight around Draco, the spines along its tail grazing over the skin of his face as the creature circled him. Then it veered off to the left, gliding around the trees before gently floating to the ground again, smoke streaming out from its nostrils.

I crossed my arms, moving forward to get a better look at the regal beast. "You never cease to amaze me, Draco." I confessed, still bewildered by the sheer size of the patronus.

Draco was smiling proudly as he regarded the charm as well. "You amaze me as well, love. Most wizards and witches can hardly produce a ball of light the first time they cast a patronuses charm, let alone create a fully formed embodiment of a creature."

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