Chapter 7

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Moana and Penguinmon returned to the others and noticed Leomon was still there.

"One more thing before I leave. You'll be meeting 10 other digidestined, whose help you will need to defeat Piedmon and Etemon." He said.

"Digidestined on Dryl?" Gomamon asked.

"Yes, Digidestined on Dryl. With training from you they will be able to help you." Leomon said before he left.

"It's late. We should get some rest." Tentomon said.

"Right, we'll need rest for tomorrow." Mimi agreed as everyone nodded in agreement. Well, not everyone. the child of knowledge wasn't in agreement.

"But I want to do research on Dryl." Izzy protested.

"You also need to rest." Matt said. Izzy sighed annoyed.

"I'll rest once I have done my research." He said.

"Or you can rest now and I'll tell you as much information as I can about Dryl tomorrow before we leave tomorrow." Moana said. Davis narrowed his eyes suspiciously. How would she know so much about Dryl? Izzy thought about it carefully and Davis hoped he would at least become a little suspicious of Moana.

"Ok! It's a deal." Izzy said. The child of knowledge closed his computer and put it away, not one bit suspicious like Davis had hoped.

"Great!" Moana said before going to sleep and everyone else did the same.

~Timeskip brought to you by um, uh, GATOMON!~

Moana groaned as she woke up. She looked around to see the others awake. She looked towards Izzy and noticed he was excited. Probably to learn about Dryl. Entrapta and him would get along well. Almost too well.

"Good morning, Coraline!" Mimi said. Moana frowned slightly. She might as well tell them now as they would find out later.

"Morning, Mimi and I actually have a confession to make." Moana said. The digidestined, their digimon partners, and Gennai looked at her.

"What is it?" Palmon asked.

"My name is actually Moana. Not Coraline. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I didn't know if I could trust you." Moana said.

"No worries. We probably would have done the same." Matt said, causing her to look at them in shock.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." Ken said, causing the others to nod in agreement, except for Davis of course. He was getting more suspicious of her.

"So Dryl?" Izzy asked excitedly, causing everyone to chuckle at his excitement.

"Well, it's a place full of technology." Moana said.

"It's full of technology?" Izzy asked.


"AWESOME! I'm guessing everyone there is obsessed with technology?"

"Mainly Queen Entrapta but yes. She's probably got her hands on Kari's digivice by now."

"Just how much technology is there?"

"In the castle or in the kingdom in general?"


"Honestly, I don't know an exact number. There's more than I can count."


"Oh Izzy." Tentomon sighed.

~~~~~~She-Ra 2nd Gen: The Power of Digidestined~~~~~~

"Ok, everyone ready?" Entrapta asked the waiting group of people. Everyone who had been at Dryl yesterday were waiting for her to activate the portal.

"Just activate it already!" Mermista demanded.

"Alright, alright." Entrapta said, moving to activate the portal. Like the last one it started malfunctioning.

"TAKE COVER!" Entrapta shouted and everyone followed. Luckily by taking cover they had also avoided seeing the bright light. They moved out of their hiding spots to see a damaged portal.

"That was fun." Arrow said sarcastically.

"We don't need to have your sarcasm Arrow!" Amelia said.

"How do we know the portal even worked?" Mara asked. Just then they heard groans.

"Is your question answered?" Rai asked. Mara nodded.

"Moana!" Nereus exclaimed, spotting his sister. Moana looked at him and ran over to hug him.

"Nereus!" She said.

"What are we? Chopped liver?" Crystal asked.

"No, of course not. I just had to greet my best friend first." Moana laughed.

"You actually forgot that Nereus was her best friend?" Arrow asked.

"No!" Crystal said quickly. A little too quickly.

"Uh huh." Arrow said.

"Fine, I did." Crystal said.

"So this Dryl?" Izzy asked.

"I think it's time for introductions." Sea Hawk said and everyone nodded in agreement.

~After Introductions because I'm too lazy to write the introductions.~

"Look at all this technology." Izzy said in awe.

"Yep, the kingdom is full of technology!" Entrapta said.

"So I've been told. I mean I've been in a giant battery before but that is nothing compared to this." Izzy said.

"YOU'VE BEEN IN A GIANT BATTERY?!" Entrapta shouted in awe.

"I have!" Izzy said.

"Tell me all about it." Entrapta said. Izzy smiled and started telling her the story.

"Someone likes technology just as much as mom?" Lara asked shocked. Everyone was just as shocked. Well except for Gennai, the digidestined, and Moana. Tentomon noticed Gennai and Sea Hawk staring at each other. He then looked at Nereus, Mara, Amelia, Arrow, Crystal, Rowan, Alice, Alyssa, Rai, and Lara.

"They must be the children Leomon was talking about." Tentomon said, causing everyone to look at them. Sea Hawk blinked confused.

"Their digidestined? They've never seen Digimon until now." Sea Hawk said.

"They should meet their digimon partners." Gennai said.

"Absolutely not." Sea Hawk said, starting an argument that would last for hours.

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