I got ready for today because it was the sleepover. Went downstairs and told my mom I was going to "runaway" ....she had the nerves to say "not until you finish cleaning the house!!!". But I did anyways and left at four. Lowkey worried because I don't like leaving my room, what if someone goes to my room and steal stuff ??
But i had told my little brother Damien to keep a look out for my room, said it would cost me but I don't mind.
I go , and everything was fine everyone came to my friends house ...but tell me why i go to the restroom and have this red bloody stain, realizing it was my henna pin
Oh how the angels up there hated me >:(
I go to my friends room to find her older sister there. Now the world just hates me!! She was just there having a conversation with my friend and her cousin. I felt like crying because I feel like she doesn't like me that well for most reason we'll cover later. So I'm just wondering around her room and not made eye contact with the sister until she left the room. I never wanted to cry so badly, did I do something wrong, does she hate me ? I don't know but it really hurts to see her just not wanting to be in the room with me in it . I just kinda wanna know what was she thinking, like tell me what I did wrong, why did you stop talking to me. Why do I feel like this way???? Please tell me what I did wrong
Just sometimes I wish...
Cerita Pendekmainly thoses days where we struggle, we have the problems, and they're just over the place, and thats how I see them