I am a hhorrible person, im so sorry

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p.s. special thanks to @mearcel for the inspiration❤️ damn not me takin almost a year to update wow

Midoriya was sitting in class just vibing, waiting for the bell to ring. They only had about 20 minutes until class was finally over, and he just wanted it to get it over with. Tuning out mr. Aizawa's rant about something he looked out the window and started to daydream. Then the bell rang, and class was finally over. Getting up, Midoriya started to pack his bag and was ready to relax.

"Midoriya you stay."

'Goddamn it.'

Ooh's and whispers were heard throughout the classroom, and Midoriya shakily sighed out a "yes sir". While the rest of the class slowly filed out, Midoriya slumped back into his seat, with the deep desire to be back in his dorm room and getting some rest.

They were alone in the room, it was awkward to say the least. Midoriya kept his head down and Aizawa was focusing on grading some last minute papers. The greenette finally gained the courage to look up and ask why the hell he wasn't in bed.

"Um Aizawa sensei, am I in trouble or...?"

"No you're not in trouble. Actually I would like to discuss something with you."

Aizawa got up from his desk and gestured for Midoriya to follow him. As they were walking down the hall Aizawa explained what he wanted from Midoriya.

"Midoriya i'm gonna be honest with you, you pretty much have the whole class under your foot. You're able to control them all, even Bakugou. Well slightly."

Midoriya flusters a bit and tries to deny before Aizawa cuts him off again.

"It's interesting. So I wanna try something out."

The senior citizen looked down on the freckled boy's face, to make sure he was following along with his words. And as expected Midoriya was walking behind him with a confused look on his face. Looking back up he continued to reveal his plan to him.

"I will have Iida write a report on everyone's behavior, and you will be leaving during the day. I will be accompanying you."

Midoriya was slightly hesitant but as they reached the dorms, he thought what's the worst that could happen. Giving his teacher a nod of agreement he opened the door and waved goodbye to his teacher.

He headed straight to his dorm room not really having the energy to speak with the others. Slipping on something more comfortable, he got into his bed and was out like a light.

The weekend came fast, and izuku had already forgotten about Aizawa's plan. So you could say he wasn't really expecting someone knocking at his door at 12 in the morning. Opening his door slightly he peeked through the crack to see his teacher looking much neater than usual.


"You forgot already didn't you."


"Get dressed Midoriya."

"Wait what, what are you even talking about?"

"Just get dressed problem child."

"Ok ok."

Shutting the door, he looked around his room wondering what the hell his teacher wanted from him this early in the morning. Huffing out a sigh, he threw on a hoodie and jeans, then opened his door to see his awaiting teacher. Giving a jerk of his head Aizawa started to head down the hallway, expecting Midoriya to follow.

After some time Aizawa started to speak.

"Midoriya, do you remember the conversation we had 3 days ago?" Aizawa said without sparing a glance at the greenette.

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