11. Secret Project

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Author's Notes:

ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz need sleep u____u

[ph] = preferred honorific

[pn] = preferred noun

[ppr] = preferred pronoun


You gripped the handrail with both of your hands as you continued to make your way up the stairs. The sounds of your heavy breathing echoed off of the walls and quickly dissipated into the flights' abyss. You didn't think you were going to make it, but you put way too much time and effort in this for you to stop now. Your palms were sticky. You were sweaty. Why were you doing this again? And what a rhetorical question: you knew why. Curiosity got the better of you once again as you searched for the secret project the hospital was working on.

"Hhhhh, damn... just... hhhhhh, a... bit more."

The secret project: you overheard nurse Tsutsumi talking about it with her coworker one day while they were approaching your room.


You were flipping through the T.V channels with your remote. Daytime television was the worst: it was either a repeat clip of a sports game, overexaggerated drama, or petty television court. Eventually, you stopped at the same channel you've previously been watching; it was some boring sitcom featuring some boring plotline. Nothing to be excited over.

"Did you ---- about the secret project, they are build--- the new ------ here."

"Oh I know, I couldn't ---- but look, it was so cool how the ------- looked. It's supposed to be a ----ing ----- for pa------. Really g---- ------, wouldn't expect h----ital to have one c-----ering that theres' b----- any ----. "

"--en do you think ---- will ---- it soon?"

"It's really ----- to being finished."

"In - month ---- now, the secret project ---- -- ----leted "

"Did y-- know who's ----ing it?"

"The S--vas-- foun------"

"Hm... of course. I ----- wait to go. It will -- re---- ref----ing."

"Wonder what other ---ret -------- the hospital --- go--- on."

If only you had the ears of a rabbit, then you would really be able to listen in on their conversation. You dialed the T.V's volume down so you could listen in even more. You propped yourself with your right hand and leaned in. Just when they were about to go over the whereabouts, they arrived at your room with your meal for lunch.

"Ah, _____, good afternoon, we brought you chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers."

"Thank you, Tsutsumi," you smiled.

You waited for the two nurses to leave before trying to eavesdrop again. To your disappointment, they were on another topic: something about checking in on another patient.

You gained enough courage to ask nurse Tsutsumi about the secret project one day. She probably had a wealth of knowledge about this considering she was the original source of this information. Unfortunately, she shut down your attempts to get any additional information out of her. "It was the hospital's matter to deal with. You'll find out soon enough." She had a job to perform: it was probably not within her place to leak proprietary information to anyone beyond her cohort. Likewise, you had a role to fulfill as a recovering patient and had a lot of time to burn, sooooooo...

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