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*reference picture above for how reid looks in this chapter + an idea of how he looks in the rest of the story :) *


I let out a puff of air that blows my hair up from my face as I try and bring my last box up the stairs. I place it on one of the steps, holding onto the railing taking deep breaths. Of course the day I move into my new apartment the elevator doesn't work and the moving company I hired just dropped my stuff and left. Turns out asthma also doesn't help you out when it comes to going up a million flights of stairs with heavy boxes. That's me over exaggerating but still, it's hot as hell in this stairwell.

I shake my aching limbs, picking the box up again, only to lose my footing on the step I was on and dropping the box as I start to fall back. I try and grasp the railing but fail as I pinch my eyes shut waiting for impact. Suddenly arms wrap around my waist as they catch me. We fall backwards, the mystery person letting out a groan as I land on them. I look down at the large hands on my waist, immediately flushing red from the warmth of them on my body. I scramble to get off the person, brushing my clothes off once I stand. I look down at my shoes, my face getting hot in embarrassment as they help themselves up.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I just moved here and I was trying to get my last box up the stairs but I guess that's something I can't do without being my clumsy self an-" I ramble on but am interrupted by a soft chuckle.

I look up, my eyes meeting soft brown ones. My eyes run over his features, making their way over his whole body. Light brown hair laid a mess on top of his head with a slight wave to it. He wore a white patterned button up shirt with a patterned deep blue tie to match. He had black trousers on but basic converse as shoes. He was a scrawny fellow. His face itself was very defined and very attractive if I'm being honest.

"I hate to interrupt your silent staring but we've been standing here for approximately 2 minutes and 46 seconds" He says, rocking back and forth on his heels

I mentally curse, looking back down again to hide my burning cheeks. "I'm sorry I was just- I- sorry I don't know what to say." I stumble over my words

"It's okay, no need to ramble" He smiles softly, "My name's Spencer Reid" He introduces himself

"Oh, nice to meet you Spencer. I'm Valerie Fitzgerald" I dart my hand out for him to shake

Spencer just stares at it before saying, "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss."

I slowly bring it back towards my chest, smiling awkwardly. "That's uh actually quite interesting" I mumble

We stand there for a couple more awkward seconds before I break the silence. "Thank you for catching me by the way. It would've been real bad if I cracked my head open before fully moving in" I laugh nervously

"It's really no problem. Wasn't going to let a pretty girl like you fall down the stairs"

Did he just call me pretty? That got my heart racing and it wasn't even a big thing. He was probably just trying to be nice since I'm new to the building.

Spencer points to the beat up box on the ground, "Need some help with that?"

"Oh, no no. I've totally got it" I go to pick it up, but a hand wraps around my arm pulling me back.

"You almost fell down the stairs carrying that. I've got it Val. It's really no issue." Spencer says, giving me a small smile

I just nod, my heart fluttering at the nickname. I watch as he rolls his sleeves up and picks up the box effortlessly. The muscles in his arm flex as he holds the heavy box in his arms. Scrawny but fit, okay.

"Could you grab my bag off the ground please?" He asks, pointing to it by tilting his head.

I quickly grab it, swinging it over my shoulder and begin going up the stairs with Spencer right behind me. We go up about two more flights before entering my hallway. Passing a couple of doors we arrive to my apartment. I quickly unlock it and we both enter. Spencer places the box on the counter and fixes his sleeves, pulling them back down.

"There you go, all set?" He breathes out

"Yes thank you so much. I really appreciate it" I smile

Spencer smiles back, showing off his pearly whites. My stomach flutters. Woah Val, calm down. All he did was smile at you. I brush my hair behind my ear, scratching my arm nervously.

"Are you nervous Val?" He asks, his smile curving into a smirk

I stop scratching my arm, biting my lip. "No I- why would I be nervous?"

He slowly walks towards me but I back up until I hit the wall. He comes closer until I feel his breath on the top of my head. Did I mention how freakishly tall he was? No? Well he's freakishly tall compared to my height of 5'3. I lift my head to look up at him and see him biting his lip in concentration. His eyes flicking over my face.

"That was a lie, but I'll let it slide" He says lowly. He brings his hand up and I close my eyes thinking he's going to touch my face but instead I feel a weight pulled off my shoulder and open them to see him now holding his bag. Well that's embarrassing. My cheeks redden even more than before.

"I'll be across the hall if you need anything else" He gives me a closed smile before walking out my door.

I snap out of the trance I'm in, chasing after him "Wait you live across from me?" I breathe out

Spencer turns around slowly, tilting his head. "I sure do. Is that an issue Val?" He emphasizes my nickname

I quickly shake my head, "No that's uh- good. I mean good to know" I stumble over my words for the millionth time today

He smiles, turning around on his heels and opening his door. Before he closes it he sweeps his hair back and looks at me. "See you later neighbor" And with that he closes his door, leaving me flustered in my doorway.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I did my best and I really hope I wrote it well.

The chapter lengths will vary depending on what is happening in them, but I will try to make them as long as possible just for you guys because I myself enjoy longer chapters.

have a lovely day/night my lovelies <3

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