Rip You A New One

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Norman had entered the office that morning after just briefly to punch his time in and gather some things from his office. When he did, he could see the light on in Natalie’s office, and subconsciously found himself running a hand through his hair, releasing a sigh.

He decided he would at least approach her and see if she wanted to join him on the lead he had uncovered. Crossing his suit jacket over itself nervously, he reapplied his usual cool demeanor as he walked toward the office door. He was surprised to hear Blake speak to him directly as he walked past his desk.

“I’d be careful if I were you, Jayden. She just about tore me a new asshole today for saying her fucking name.” The lieutenant sneered up at the FBI agent, his expression deflating when his coworker sitting across from him piped up with a “serves you right for being an ass to her all the time”. Norman left the two to argue, knocking softly on the office door and waiting for permission to enter.

Natalie’s voice was soft on the other side of the door, giving her permission to the person knocking to enter her office. It betrayed the normal confidence he heard in her everyday voice, and a part of him felt even worse than he already did for not being clear and speaking his feelings.

Truth be told, this “feelings” thing was new to him and he shouldn’t have it held against him...but then again he needed to communicate better in the first place. He acknowledged that to himself as he entered her office, weary of the lack of radio already when he closed the door behind him.

She looked up from the desk and paused her writing hand, peering over him with a blank expression through her eyelashes. Natalie resumed her writing without a word, her hazel eyes darting down to the words across her page.

“I...have a lead. Wanted to see if you were free to assist.”

“I’m suspended, Jayden. You know that.”

The formality of her tone stung more than he cared to admit. He didn’t hesitate often, but found it more and more difficult to get his point across.

“I know, I was hoping you’ll come with me anyway.”

“No, Norman.” she returned, flatly. His eyebrows raised, and now he was annoyed.

“So you’ll let your feelings get in the way of the investigation? I thought you said that would never stop your sense of justice.”

She bore a hole into him with the intensity of her gaze when she snapped her head up to face him, standing up from her desk chair abruptly. 

“Norman. I can’t leave my fucking desk. I got so much shit from Perry, I don’t know how I’ll ever recover from this. I’m lucky I’m even in this office still, considering how hard he raked me over the coals. Nevermind that I’m feeling crushed by you.”

“Why are you feeling crushed? Can we at least have a conversation about this after the case is closed? It’s not how you’re perceiving it!” He was getting worked up now, something he never liked to do and yet he found himself more and more wound up throughout the entirety of the case.

“That’s just it, Norman. I don’t have time, whenever ‘then’ is. I have time now. The case comes before me? That’s fine...get the fuck out of my office.”

He wasn’t going to escalate, he kept repeating in his head to keep himself calm, inhaling and exhaling through his nose then offering her a curt nod. There was obvious hurt in her voice, and the way she looked over him with those defeated hazel eyes. He hadn’t come to terms with his feelings yet, beside the fact that he knew he wanted her. He just wasn’t sure how it would all work, and a pit of insecurity had settled itself inside of him. 

“I’ll be at Jackson Neville’s garage, if you change your mind.” Norman pressed his lips in a thin line, turning around to stride to the door. His hand clutched the doorknob tightly with his back turned to her.

“I want to talk after, if you change your mind---”

“I am undeniably in love with everything about you.”

It was quiet, and yet she seemed to have spoken it just loud enough for him and him only. Norman turned around, a look of surprise on his face as he processed her words, his brows raised and his icy orbs scanning her up and down and analyzing her. An expression of fear, rejection, admiration, sadness, apprehension; she was showing him all sides of her in an act of raw emotion, take it or leave it. 

“I’m still working myself out...but I think I do too. Please be patient with me.” Norman gave her one last look, trying to portray his good intent to her with his eyes. She seemed to understand, a layer of the protective wall she had erected coming undone before him. Her shoulders visibly sagged and she fell back into her seat, watching him close the door behind him. 

Close To Me - Norman Jayden x OC, WIPWhere stories live. Discover now