The Meeting

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Angel, a girl from America, just arrived in Germany. She had wanted to go her entire life, but had never gotten the chance until now. She had wanted to go since she had started learning German and had a fascination with the language and culture. Angel had dyed hair-purple to be exact- blue eyes, pale skin, and always had a friendly smile on her face. She had wanted to start her trip off with a nice rest after the several days of travel she had to endure. She called a taxi and paid the driver to go to the nearest hotel. After a long nights rest she felt refreshed enough to explore the town of Berlin: going to the small stores and even went into a cafe for a German pastry and a coffee. While she was waiting for her treats a man around her age of 23 had asked to sit with her, of course in German not knowing if she spoke said language or not, "Ist es ok, wenn ice hier sitze?" (Is it ok if I sit here?). Angel glanced up from her table and took a quick glance at the smooth voice speaking to her. The man was about 6 feet tall - had pitch black hair that went past his shoulders, had deep chocolate brown eyes rimmed with thick black eyeliner, wore all black and also had pale skin which seemed more pale than the normal human and showed kindness and patience in his beautiful eyes. "Natürlich, sei mein Gast!" (Of course be my guest!). The man smiled not showing his teeth but sat across from her and suddenly spoke fine English with a noticeable but not very thick German accent. "You're not from here are you?" The question startled Angel not knowing that he could speak English so well. "Nope I had just gotten here yesterday". "Your German is very good. I'm sorry if my English is not so good as yours is." Angel giggled at his response in a joking way as she could see he purposefully misspoke his sentence. "Your English is very nice actually. I don't believe I got your name. I'm Angel Lansing." she introduced herself. The man thought for a moment and looked down at the table and then back up to look at her and said "I'm Bill Kaulitz" the man named 'Bill' replied. Angel had heard his name around the shops earlier and she could've sworn she saw his name on a few magazines she passed by earlier but thought nothing of it assuming it was a popular name around Germany. Angel and Bill spent some time chatting and figured out they had a love for many things that they had in common: sweets, late-night-in's, a belief in true love, and of course horror movies. Bill had gotten a call and as he answered it Angel looked around trying not to eavesdrop too much as he spoke in German to whoever was on the phone. To her it sounded like he was speaking very fast, but that was just her not being too familiar with native Germans and hearing them speak their native tongue. "I've got to go, but I'd like to speak with you again soon." He wrote his number down quickly on a napkin close by and handed it to Angel. "I'd like to see you again as well" she said looking at his number and smiling. She hadn't expected to meet someone who she had so much in common with so soon after just arriving in a completely new country. "I'll be hearing from you soon then" Bill said before quickly leaving the small cafe. Before Angel could reply he had already left and she was free to roam around for a bit longer before heading back to her hotel room thinking about the strange yet wonderful man she had met that day. Bill.

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