What's with all the kissing!?

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Chapter 9

Krystalls POV

Right then I felt everything else around me blank out, I didn't even notice JJ walk in and be just as shocked as me. I know what you're thinking, about the Jaymi situation? And how I did this too George, well no. This was different, they were full on making out, he had his hands wrapped in her hair and with Jaymi it was just a quick peck on the lips and I didn't even kiss back, for some reason I now wish I did. George's eyes shot open and he turned to face me, before he could speak I stopped him.

"Just leave it, I hope you two are happy with each other" I said, my voice cracking at the end. 

George got up and tried to stop me from leaving but I just pushed past him, I'm fed up with him.

Urgh this is too much like a soppy love film, I feel pathetic, I'm here to follow my dreams, not get my fucking heartbroken,

 I need to focus on the competition, not boys, this is ridiculous now.

I went to my room and got dressed ready for late night rehearsals, since we're all busy doing interviews these next couple of days, we are going to be rehearsing shit loads tonight.

I walked down to meet the girls and bumped into Nathan on the way down.

"Woah watch were you're go-Oh hi Krystall, what's wrong?" Nathan said.

"Nothings wrong now excuse me." I replied bluntly.

 He blocked my way, again and I just grunted in defeat, "What do you want Nathan?" I asked.

"What's happened, I can see somethings up.." he said quietly, wait..he sounds like he cares, well this is different.

"It's nothing, honestly it doesn't matter" I told him half smiling.

He just nodded and went in for an awkward hug, he stood there just staring at me and then kissed me, it was soft but quick, I didn't have time to respond. 

He just walked away smirking, "What's wish all the kissing today!?!!?!" I shouted to nobody.

I went to rehearsals and just forgot about everything that happened, I'm not letting stupid crap like this effect how I do in the competition.

Rehearsals went smoothly, me and the rest of the girls decided we are going to try and be friends, somethings odd with Rosie and Annie, it's like they feel guilty.


The next few days were just a load of interviews and photoshoots, nothing really happened, it was a bit awkard but whatever.

Now it's Saturday morning.



A/N You guys are amazing for waiting! Btw I know I'm making Nathan sound quite cocky and horrible, It is only fanfiction, I love him too bits, he becomes nice soon, just wait!;)xoxo

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