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i turn away and run as fast as i can,
my heart is beating faster than ewer before and i admit to myself "i am scared".
i feel like i have been running for et least an hour, and i fel a strong headache.
"theres gotta be a way out of this, i dont wanna die"
i continue walking a bit. after a vhile i get to a fence. this is not a regular fence but a big
steel barrier with spikes on top.
I decide to walk along the fence,
besides, i dont have so much to live for anyways.
I am going to be hunted down as always.
I continue walking for a while,
and there in the forest are some kind of construction made by four walls sat up in a big cross.
"Maybe theres a page there" i think silently to myself.
There is nothing in the first corner.
I walk slowly around the second corner.
Nothings there eigther.
I am starting to get a bit terrified.
The third corner, what will i find? The page? Or the guy?....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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