Chapter 1 - Mr Miranda

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I wake up to the blinding sun, shooting down onto my eyes. I sit up and yawn as I was exhausted from the romantic date Cedric planned me last night for our third month anniversary. My eyes were still heavy and I squinted and saw a dark shadow lingering on my bed. My eyes focused and I see my best friend Lucinda Griffins dressed in her Hufflepuff uniform glaring into space. Her red hair reflected the sun and green eyes glistened, she was one of the prettiest girls I've met.        
I rubbed my eyes and called out 'Lucinda.'
No reply, the next time I call louder 'Lucinda!', I sigh and call out her name one more time - but louder, "LUCINDA!"
She jumps in shock and her gaze comes back to my attention.
She laughs and starts to talk 'You're finally up!' she exclaims 'Everyone has already gone to breakfast, hurry up and get ready!'
She smiles at me and throws my clothes on my face. I giggle and take off my dress that was blinding me. She pounces off the bed and puts her shoes on. I get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom to quickly put my clothes on. I shove my shoes on my feet, grab my books and an apple for breakfast. We run out of the room hoping we will not be late for Potions with Snape.

We race out of the Hufflepuff dorms running as fast as we can hoping to be in time for potions class. I place my apple in mouth to put on my other shoe whilst running as fast as I can. I trip over my shoelace and start to fall onto the cold and hard ground, my apple flies into the sky and I wait for my epic fall. My necklace slips of but I ignore that as I feel the pressure of two arms catching me as I fall. I look up to see a gorgeous face looking down at me, I feel my heart skip a beat as he dusts me off.
Words speak out of his mouth but it is all a blur, he speaks again 'Watch where you are going next time!"
I moan 'S-s-or-r-y.'.
He laughs and says 'You must be a first year, I'm new here as well!"
As he said this I wasn't offended as people often tell me this, people often mistake me as a first or second year because of how short and childish I look.
Lucinda laughs as she corrects him '6th year actually sir..uh..Mr uhh'-'Miranda' he says proudly finishing her sentence".
Mr Miranda has a beautiful smile, I smack myself in the head and was reminding myself that I have a boyfriend and this man is obviously much older than me. Why was I even crushing on him? Wait no, I'm not crushing on him..ok maybe I am.
He speaks 'Well then you better get to class or you will be late.' he winks and bites his lips. Was it his alluring smile or how he caught me just as I fell that made me have butterflies in my stomach? I started to imagine a fantasy with him. Then Lucinda ruined the moment by grabbing me, my attention came back to stupid reality. I watch as he bends down to pick up something from the ground, but then I realise I am going to be late for class so I start rushing again.

We arrive at the potions classroom and the class has already started making potions. We see that Professor Snape is paying attention to another student so we try sneak into our seats, when suddenly -
a Slytherin yells from the other side of the room 'Look who is trying to sneak into class (y/n)  and Lucinda, what bad bad girls.'.
I grumble "shut up"
God I hate him, it was my nemesis Marcus Ivery, I used to have a major crush on him in year three so I asked him out and he threw a pie in my face in front of the class. Gosh I was sucker for boys with blonde hair and blue eyes back then. I shiver at the thought of his name. Snape quickly turns around as he hears laughter and people whispering. The whole class is watching us and waiting for him to yell at us. To everyone's shock he shakes his head and tells us to go sit down like it's no big deal. I gasp in relief and look over to see Marcus  banging the table and snarling at me in a devilish look, I take a bow and give him my fakest smile. I sit down on my chair and pull out my potions book, I grab all the ingredients and start to make my potion with Lu . Lucinda starts to talk as she stirs the pot filled with potions brew,
'So how was your date last night with Cedric?' she asks grinning.
I laugh and tell her 'It was amazing he is so sweet and romantic, I don't think I can get any luckier"
I smile and then Mr Miranda pops up in my head - I remember his beautiful smile and -
"So what was up with Mr Miranda earlier?' she cuts me off.
I wiped the drool off my face as I dreamt of Mr Miranda, it is almost as she read my mind.
I awkwardly ask 'What do you mean?' acting dumb to hide the secret.
She replies 'Come on I saw the way you were looking and blushing at him.'. she raises her eyebrows and glares at me,
I vigorously shake my head in denial of everything she's saying..
Then Lu excitedly shouts "Do you have a crush on him?!'.
The whole class went quiet staring at us and I sunk under the table hoping that the lesson would be over soon.

The bell rings indicating the end of class I quickly grab my school supplies rushing to get out of class. I leave the classroom, behind me Lu was chasing after me wanting to ask more questions. She finally caught up to me and spoke 'Please just tell me, do you actua-"
Cedric pops out of nowhere and scares us, Lu and I jump back startled and laughing. Cedric leans towards me and kisses me on the cheek, I blush and look into is starry grey eyes.                'Hey (y/n) and Lu!' he exclaims 'What were you talking about before?' he says curiously.
Lu and I both look to each other in complete awkwardness, shock and with no clue how to reply. I stared at Lu hoping she would say something before I ruin my relationship with Cedric.
I could see that Cedric was getting concerned as we stood there speechless. I pull Lu a face, hoping she will come up with something quick.
Lu replies ' talk.' she stutters, laughing it off.
I go along with it 'Yeah..girl talk..haha'. I awkwardly say.
"Ok, then I won't bother you with that question any more.' his pupils growing bigger.
He walks beside me and grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly we both look at each other and huddle closer. He picks my hand up and kisses it, then he gently lets it go
'I'll see you girls soon in the Great Hall, after you've finished your "girl talk"' Cedric smirks.
I give him a wave bye and look at Lu in shock that I almost ruined my relationship with Cedric. I glare down and confess the truth about Mr Miranda
"Maybe I am sorta attracted to Mr Miranda...' I confess
Lucinda laughs 'Yeah you cannot deny he is very sexy.'.
"But obviously I would never hurt Cedric in that way, do not tell him.' I say seriously
"Never.' Lucinda truthfully speaks.
We both laugh and head towards the Great Hall for Lunch, I knew I could trust Lucinda with everything.


Student vs teacher (reader x Cedric Diggery x Lin Manuel Miranda) love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now