Chapter 2 - Jealousy

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Bouncing to the great hall with Lucinda, the thought of Mr Miranda's touch lingers through my mind, I shiver, we only shared a brief moment of contact - and yet I feel a strong connection between us, one Cedric and I could only dream of.
Why am I thinking this? I love Cedric, we've never said it out loud - but it's him, it's always been him, right?
"Ahem, (y/n)...have you been listening to a word I've said?!" Lucinda announces
"Of course I have" I rebut, trying my best to sound offended
"Okay, so what have I been talking about?" Lucinda comments with her brows raised,
whilst still marching in sync with my steps.
Accepting defeat, I groan- "okay mayyybee I was thinking of Mr Miranda.."
Grinning, Lucinda subtly shakes her crown, leaving both of us not knowing what to say next, we walk in silence until we reach the Great Hall and settle next to Cedric.

After about 20 minutes the conversation has  moved about for a while, but I can't stop thinking about Mr Miranda's gorgeous lips, stunning burnt umber eyes and-
My locket!
Frantically running my finger tips along my collarbone I realise that the locket Cedric has given me for our 2 month anniversary has disappeared. It was an heirloom!
With a concerned glare, Cedric whispers "are you ok (y/n)?"
"-I- I- I'm just—". I sigh, this would break Cedric -"-tired" I mutter
"best get to Charms class" I announce as I jump from my seat, and begin to run so neither Cedric or Lu can tell that somethings wrong.

Charms is the only class where I don't have any friends - but right now that isn't my main concern. Where could I have left my locket? Maybe it's in my dorm? I'll check there when class is over. I have other classes after this - but frankly I don't care, I'm a good student, what's skipping a couple lessons gonna' do?
As much as I want to, I can't even worry Lu with this, she's swamped with assignments right now - it'd be completely cruel to concern her with my problems, even if it is her fault for procrastinating instead of completing them sooner.
As the bell echos through the classroom, I leap from my seat not caring about whatever Professor Flitwick is mumbling as I sprint out from the room.
Knocking into people left and right I stumble down the basement stairs finally reaching the Huffelpuff common room - where I (potentially) left the locket.
"Hey (y/n)!" Says a familiar voice, laying on the common room lounge, making my maniacal galloping into the common room come to a halt.
"CEDRIC" I gasp in horror "what are you doing here"
"Skipping" he rejoices, with a cheeky grin.
I nod my head, and look to the ground, trying to not look disappointed by his presence.
"Hey, Whats wrong, (y/n)? Cedric asserts, jumping from a laying, to a sitting position,
"Nothing, I'm fine" I've only lost the heirloom you gave me that's been in your family for generations.
"Oh" he sighs in relief, "come" he laughs, patting the spot next to him.
I obediently do as he says.
"It's empty" Cedric whispers
"What is" I chuckle, slightly uncomfortably
"The common room, are you daft" he howls, in a high tone, resting his gentle palm on my frosty right cheek, slowly pulling my face towards his - until our lips are joined, and all is silent.

Time passes, everyone is in class - Cedric and I are still lost in the moment. How long have we been here? Who cares, I can find the locket later.
Suddenly, a scoff echoes from across the room. I shove Cedric off me, and rapidly turn my head to see a tall man standing in the entrance of the room, he's swinging a silver pendant from side to side. It's Mr Miranda!
Shock waves work their way through my body, leaving me with butterflies.
Mr Miranda's brows are raised, he marches
towards us, bends down so he's level with Cedic and I seated on the couch, and hands me the locket Cedric gifted me with.
"Oh sr." I moan with excitement, "you don't understand how much this means to me".
"(Y/n)!" Cedric squawks, rising off the lounge, "how did this man get your locket?" He glares at Mr Miranda.
"Frankly..." announces Mr Miranda "it doesn't matter how I got it, it matters that you two aren't in class currently, and that you're both in the common room canoodling"
"You're not even allowed in here" screeches Cedric, as he races out of the Huffelpuff space.
"Wait-" I cry, my eyes watching his figure storm from my presence.
"You can do better than him, ya'know" smirks Mr Miranda, as he bites his lip and seductively brushes his hair out of his eyes.
I rip the locket from his fist, and chase after Cedric-

What will happen next chapter?
Will you make up with Cedric? Or will something happen with Mr Miranda?


Student vs teacher (reader x Cedric Diggery x Lin Manuel Miranda) love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now