Untitled Part 1

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                               Crystal's POV 

The more I think of it the more I worry because I have been killing for a long time but I think someone will catch me soon. I just better keep my knife closer to me more often and hide every bit of evidence.

         END PROLOGE

 "CRYSTAL WAKE UP YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" My mom yelled up the stairs. I just cursed under my breath in response. I threw the covers off me then walked over to my closet. Looking over to the hamper I saw my blood covered hoody,jeans and boots."crap....my mom will see that" I said while stuffing it in a box and hiding  it under my bed. I still can't believe I am awesome at killing even though I am fourteen I mean really!  "HURRY UP YOUR FATHER IS ABOUT TO LEAVE!!!" my mother yelled obviously frustrated with my slowness this morning. I grabbed my converse, black skinny jeans with a black tanktop and a dark red hoody. "man do I love these hoody's" I mumbled to myself. I quickly changed and grabbed my bag then ran downstairs. "Oh wait, mom I'll be right  back" I yelled down the stairs all I herd was my mom muttering to herself. I almost laughed when she gave me a weird look as I shoved my pocket knife into my hoody pocket. "Good bye, love you" I said as I was giving my mom a hug  and ran to my fathers car. "Have a great day honey!" my mom said then she walked back inside not before giving my dad a hug and a kiss. Looking at my father I cracked up after he said "Mothers, what are we to do with them" with that my father started the car and drove off toward my school. I pulled out my mp3 and plugged it in as I listened to some music (my father never listens to music). I herd my dad chuckle to himself a little when I was listening to my mp3 then I herd him say to himeslelf "Is that all you teens do is listen to music". I chuckled too when I herd that, then I took my earbuds out as we drove up to my school. Without thinking I looked at the clock, crap I was late!! "Bye dad see you later" I jumped out of the car and ran to the school door  without hearing what my dad said. Then I saw it...the halls, doors, and lockers were covered in blood. I walked slowly down the hall and froze when I saw a man wearing a white hoody about to kill my only friend, my best friend.

Well guys tell me what you thought and tell me if I should continue or not because there is A LOT MORE TO LEARN ABOUT CRYSTAL. good bye my readers!


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