Graziano x Reader (GenderNeutral)

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It was kinda funny, really. Seeing the mafia man himself, dressed in an oversized hoodie, cuddling his beloved. Who also happened to be wearing an oversized hoodie.

"Darlin?" (Y/n) called gently as they weaved their fingers into the young males brown hair, scratching the scalp lightly.

"Mmmm...?" Graziano hummed back lazily, his cheek squished gently into his significant other's chest, his arms pushed comfortably under (Y/n)s back. "What is it, love?"

"Would you......ever want kids?"

Graziano's eyes shot open, his mouth gaping as he quickly rose from his position to stare at (Y/n). "A-are you serious?" He asked, swallowing nervously as he stared at them, searching for any hint of a joke.

That's when (Y/n) broke.

Bursting out in laughter, they fell back off the couch rolling around the floor in hysterics as graziano stared at them in disbelief.

"W-what...?" He asked with an arch brow, his heart thumping wildly as he watched them roll around, before stopping in a mess on the floor.

(Y/n) waited a moment to catch their breath as they laid there with a joyous grin. "I-I'm sorry dear it's just I wanted to see your reaction" they laughed one more time before seeing the somewhat disappointed look on the males face, their heart aching a bit in guilt.

"O-oh...I see..." he trailed off, his cheeks tinted a bit red as he bashfully looked to the side, "Just thought that you uh....might've been serious. S'all." He mumbled, a small pout adoring his lips as his shoulders sagged from their previously stiff position.

It was well known that Graziano adored kids. He couldn't get enough of their chubby little cheeks and adorable habits. They were so carefree and innocent that he simply wasn't able to stop himself from spoiling  them with affection any time he was given the chance. Much like he did with (Y/n), who was also very cute and innocent.

So the idea of having kids, adopted or otherwise, was enough to get his blood rushing in excitement, imagining all the fun activities he could do with his beloved and their child.

(Y/n) blinked slowly, processing the expression their love was wearing, a deep blush slowly coating the bridge of their nose and cheeks, as well as a not-so subtle thumping beginning to sound from their chest as they replayed what he said a few more times. Just to make sure they heard him right.

They weren't against kids. Not at all. It's just, they'd only been together so long. Hell they weren't even married yet! So the idea of having kids so soon was...honestly a bit nerve wracking.

(Y/n) bit their lip softly, pondering the thought for a moment before their eyes lit up once they came up with an idea that was more agreeable. One that would hopefully satisfy that little need to be a father that Graziano had, as well as keeping that cute little glow in his eyes.

"I-I...w-well...I'm not sure about a child...but....what about a pet?  L-like......." They grinned somewhat cheekily as they looked back at graziano with a slightly raised brow,"a puppy?" They snickered softly, quite liking the idea themselves, getting yet even more excited when they saw Graziano's reaction.

A childish grin broke on to the brunette's face as he let out a cheerful laugh, nodding his head softly before he looked at his love. "you know what?.." he smirked softly, getting off the couch to sit against it besides (Y/n), pulling down the blanket they used previously and draping it over them as (Y/n) turned on the tv. "I think I can settle for that." He chuckled, laughing louder once he saw the appalled look on (Y/n)s face.

"Settle?! Settle?! It's a puppy! A fricken puppy! What do you mean settle" (Y/n) hissed softly in disbelief, a smirk of their own pulling at their lips as they stared at the brunette beside them, who was struggling to keep a somewhat straight face.

"Welllll, yknow, I just think children are superior. That's all" he laughed, watching (Y/n)s jaw drop as they listened to him. "I mean, what do they even do? Eat, sleep and crap? Sounds boring." He yawned in a fake manner, watching in amusement as (Y/n) started to look more and more shocked every second.

"Wh- you- BABYS DO THE SAME THING WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I just-" they paused flopping to the side in a pouty manner, turning away from the laughing brunette, after having realized he was messing with them. "This is so rude." They huffed bitterly, tugging the blanket closer.

"Angeelll" graziano whined, flopping on top of them, causing (y/n) to fall over underneath them. "C'monnn, give me know I was just kiddingg" he chuckled again, watching (Y/n) sink further into themselves.

When they didn't reply he huffed, now letting all his weight lean onto them, laughing when he heard a yelp from beneath him and feeling the slight kicks of his darling against his back. "Hey! G-Graziano! Get off me you oaf!" They barked, only making Graziano laugh harder as he laid atop them, still being mindful not to squish them completely.

"Mm no I don't think I will. Not until you give me cuddles and forgive me~" he cooed, looking down at them as they puffed their cheeks, eventually giving up due to exhaustion.


"C'mon honey~ if you forgive me now we can go buy some small cakes later~" he bribed cheekily, grinning in success when (Y/n) eyes sparkled softly at the sound of one of their favorite desserts.

"You promise?"


(Y/n) groaned, turning their head to the side before mumbling a half assed reply. Graziano, not having it, put a little more weight on them, leaning his ear a bit more towards them.

"Sorry, you what? I didn't quite catch it."

"I..hhhhg....I forgive you.." They huffed, looking at the brunette from the corner of their eye, only to blush lightly when met with a sparkling smile.

Pushing himself up off his dear, he grinned victoriously, picking them up and setting them on the couch with him, quickly snuggling into them with a content sigh.

"See, was that so hard love?" He chuckled, flinching slightly when they lightly walked the top of his head in retaliation.

"Shut up" they grumbled, switching the tv off before snuggling into their boyfriends chest, hiding their face that was already steaming from embarrassment.

Graziano smiles cheekily, a small flush on his cheeks as he stared at his beloved in adoration. Pressing his lips softly against their forehead, he leaned back, pulling them with him and he held them close atop his chest, humming, content.

"I love you...~<3"

"Hhrrmmggg.......I love you too..."








" in the future then, Right?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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