Masky finds out his feelings

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I was in the Creepypasta Masnion coming home from a mission with Hoodie. The second we walked through the door, there he was. Toby ran up to us and both Hoodie and I sighed in exasperation as the annoying male began pestering us again.

"Heeey. Masky, old buddy, o-old pal!"

"What is it, this time?" I asked the twitching freak before me. I was already at my wits end with him, and, from the looks of it, Hoodie was too.

"Me and LJ ate all the ch-cheesecake and cookies and waffles and we need more. W-would you be a dear and go get them for us? Pleease?"

I glared at him through my mask. Not only does the pest annoy the shit out of me, mess up my work, and torment me because he thinks I 'steal' Slender from him or something, but he ate all my GODDAMN CHEESECAKE, TOO!


I growled lowly and turned around to exit the front door saying, "Fine, but next time you're gonna pay for it."

The annoyance I had the pleasure of calling a co-worker smiled happily and waved me off before twitching again, "Thanks Buuddy! Oh, and pick me up some condoms, too! I have a hot date tonight!"

I rolled my eyes with a groan as I slammed the door behind me on my way out. Like that twitching twit could ever get a date!

My chest tightened for some reason at the thought though. Why? It is not like I care. I hate the bastard! He can date whoever he wants to.. Or at least whoever he can get drunk enough to screw him.

My breath hitched slightly as the thought of him and I...-- No Masky, stop thinking like that. You hate Toby. Hate him. He's annoying, and eats your cheesecake, and that twitch is so cute~. Wait... What?


I groan again as I neared the store. I took my mask off and as I went to put it into my pocket, I noticed the bulge in my pants.


My cheeks turned bright red and I shoved the mask in my pocket as I walked into the store. I went strait to the back to grab the waffles then to the middle the get the cookies. And of course I'd have to go to the Cheesecake Factory to get the cheesecake. Oh, I almost forgot Toby's condoms. He doesn't really need them... Right...?

After a moment of conflit with myself, I walk back and grab one of the small boxes of condoms, not paying attention to the three pack I grabbed as I threw it in the basket and went to the self checkout.

-Cheesecake time skip-

I walked back in the mansion to see Toby, LJ, and Ben on the couch playing video games. Ben was cheating (As usual) and Toby and LJ were trying to block his veiw so they had a better chance.

I growled a few choice words under my breath and threw the plastic bag at him, hitting him in the back of the head as I left the room and went to get a piece of and put up my fresh cake. Not that he reacted, the freak can't feel a thing.

-Time skip-

Toby had gone off on his 'date' three hours ago, thanking me for the tropical flavored condoms before he left. Why does this bother me so much? I DO NOT like him. And there is no way someone would date the annoying twit. He is probably just sitting alone somewhere, getting drunk. Maybe he was just out killing.

He is not on a date.

There's no way.

But.. Why do I care? Why is my chest hurting like this, again at the thought of him with some girl?

I walked up the stairs and headed for my room. I did not have any assignments tonight, so I might as well turn in early. I walked passed Toby's door and heard noises inside. I saw him leave, but he never came back, so his room should be empty.

I heard something crash and got a little worried. My hand turned the knob and my eyes widened as I saw Toby leaning against the dresser, his moans and those of the girl on top of him filled my ears and I blushed brightly.

When Toby saw me, his eyes widened and I did not register what happened next until it was already happening.

"What the hell are you doing, you fucking freak?"

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