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Skyler pov

I'v been here since I was 6. I'm 13 now, I hated it here since the third month my parents dropped me of at this crappy place. I keep telling my self they wanted me and they loved me but then why they put me in this place. There is only one thing I liked here which is my best friend Lily she was amazing but then my world got torn apart when she got adopted. She got adopted 5 months ago i'm still sad about it. But I know I will never get a home who loves me because well I have already been in 4 different homes well there was this one time I beat up the parents son named Brady because he was picking on me saying that his parents would never like me, there was also another time when I ran away from a home because the parent were mean. Im not aloud to say the rest cause of the police said I can't tell no one. The reason my parent really abandoned me was was becaues they couldn't take care of me and they said that they couldn't handle me and that I was troubled which i'm not well now I kinda am when I got here I was a sweetheart now look what this place turned me into. I use to have a brother but he got put in a different orphanage he was my best friend I cried for a month and I wouldn't even barley eat but I knew they wouldnt let me have him back.

I get wake up by a knock on the door

"Who is it"


The lady who runs this place, every one things she so nice but she isn't nice to me she only nice when she wants to be.

"What do you want"

"Get up breakfast Is done" she said with a anger voice

"I'm not hunger Mrs.Jake"

"I don't care get up"

"Fine" I yelled

I get up and walk to my dresser and pull out a tank top that says rock and skinny jeans that had a hole in it, thats the way they were brought I go and brush my hair, which by the way is purple.

Mrs.Jake, freak out when she found out, I dye It she yelled for 30 mins straigh but I can't just keep my hair this color forever.

I love changing my hair the first I dyed my hair was when I was 5 I know I was little but my parents let me, I died it green but then change it to blond and that's when my parent dropped me off here and I never got to dye it again, till I was 10, Lily helped me dye it.

I got done getting ready and put on my shoes and go downstairs

I see all the other kids and then I see my emeny Sally she thinks she all that but she not she thinks she is better than me. She made fun of me because of my hair and I told her straight to her face "well i like it this way so back off."

As I come down the steps she stares at me with this evil, I stink my tounge out at her and stick my middle finger out at her, she yells at Mrs.Jake telling on me like a little baby.

I tell Mrs.Jake I couldn't of becaues I was just now coming down the steps, I got away with it.

I grab a piece of toast and grab the jam to put on the toast when Sally make a joke about my outfit saying someone needs to call the fashion police and right then and there I did what any other girl would do I spilled the grape jam over her, she scream so loud and tackled me on the ground trying to hit me.

I did something I shouldn't have done, I punch her right in the face and it wasn't a baby punch it was a full on black eye punch, next thing you know I'm in Mrs.Jake's office with Sally getting yelled at when it's her fought

I look over at Sally and see she has a black eye I kinda laugh a little.

Then Mrs.Jake cracked "Skyler Welkin I'm sick of you two fighting now go up to your room and sit and think about what you have done you will not come out of that room till you know what you did wrong, you too Sally May" she said yelling every part of what she was saying. I walk up to my room laying on my bed and screaming Into my pillow I walk over to my desk and pull out a secret drawer and pull out a locket of my mom,dad and me, I lay back down on my bed and fall asleep.... I got woken up by a sound of a grow man talking to Mrs.Jake

So hope every one liked the story I'll be post part two in a couple day so yea

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