time to adopt

534 17 11

Luke's pov


Michael keeps bugging us to adopt a kid but we keep telling him we can't but he doesn't like that answer. He won't stop asking to adopt. So after being bugged for 3 month we finally gave into him.

We drive up to the closet, Orphanage and walk in and and see a lady that looked older than all of the other people there, So we thought it was the lady who ran the orphanage.

" Hi are you the one who runs this place"

"Yes i'm Mrs.Jake how can I help you"

"Um we are here to adopt a girl between 8-14"

After that she showed us all the girls. Then I seen a door that we didn't go into that was in the girls side and the door said Skyler 13.

"Can we go met that girl in there"

"No you wouldn't want her she is a bad kid" the lady said

"Well everyone should get a chance" calum had said the lady

Mrs.Jake just stare at us with this look and then look us down to her room and open the door.

At that momment I knew this was the girl we wanted to adopt she was so beautiful and she had sparkling blue eyes and she had purple hair which Michael really liked that she had hair that was like his. All of a sudden Michael ran over to the girl and touch her hair

"OMG your hair is awesome do you like dyeing it a lot" Michael said all excited

"Yea I love dyeing my hair do you?" skyler said worried

"YES all the time" Michael said to her

"No way really how many time and what colors" skyler said to micheal getting less worried

"I lost count after 28." micheal said and laughed

"So what are you guys here for, to adopt I'm guessing."

"Yea and I was wondering if we could adopt you."micheal said to skyler

"I guess but wait are you guys like gay."skyler said confused

"No we are like brothers but we are in a band together."Ashton said to skyler.

"Well if you want to adopt her then you have to fill out papers" Mrs.Jake said to the 4 of them

"That's fine"

After filling out all the papers we helped skyler pack I could tell she really wanted out of here but she didn't want to be adopted at the same time.

I put all Skylers stuff in the car.

I drove home and claum Sat up front with me and Ashton and Micheal sat in the back with Skyler

When Skyler got out of the car she fainted

So sorry for leaving you with a cliff hanger but how you liked part 2

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