An Alliance Approaches!

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                           Pencil's POV

Yay! I'm like, in a team with the alliance! I only care about Match though. We like, agreed to betray our own alliance to win!  But what Match didn't know that I will like, betray her too! The alliance and I were just chatting, talking about strategies.

Ruby like, saw a crate and opened it. There was a bag of chips and 2 bottles of water. "We like, deserve this treasure! Pencil and I have been like, leading the alliance for 10 years!" Match said. All of us agreed. I opened the bag and shared it with Match. "Umm... Guys?" Bubble asked. ( No, I cannot do the accent. ) "Can I have a chip?" Bubble said. "Ugh. Sure, take one!" I said. Bubble took a chip and SWALLOWED it. "Oh my tree. How did you do that?" Book asked. "Chip-Swallowing class!" Bubble said happily. ( Get the reference? )

I bumped into someone and dropped the bag of chips. "Watch your like, way, alliance!" I said. But it wasn't them. They were like, behind me.

                           Loser's POV

I bumped into someone. One of my teammates? Nope. It was someone from a different team. The Alliance. They were famed by the OSC ( Object Show Community ) for being a team on BFDIA. I can't let them win. I will not hesitate to destroy them.

Oh, did I forget to say that my power is able to summon explosive cubes? I walked up to them and summoned one. The rest of my team told me to stay away from the alliance since it's 6 to 1. It exploded, it hit Book and Ruby on the face. They went flying a couple feet and they landed front -faced on the ground and left a big bruise on their cheeks. "Alliance, RUN!" Pencil said to the others. "Loser, what a nice power you have there!" Clock said. "What powers do YOU have?" I asked. "I can only activate my power in times of need." Clock replied. Fair enough.

                        Book's POV

It hurts. It really really hurts. I was bleeding everywhere, and so was Ruby. "Alliance, we need to find a medical kit, now!" Bubble said. "Hey, like, who said that you can-" Pencil said but she got interrupted by Match. "Let's find one, alliance!". To be honest, I really don't like Pencil. She was mean, bossy. But Match was the complete opposite. She decided to help us look for more crates. We found one a couple minutes later after running around the forest. Luckily enough, we have found a medkit. There were a dozen bandages there, so Bubble put it on Ruby and I. Match also used Ice Cube to cool down our bruises. "Finally Ice Cube, you are useful!" I said to her. She smiled and said "Thanks, Book!". We decided to leave the forest since most of the teams were there and we can't risk our lives.

                           Liy's POV

OMG. Finally, I can't wait to cut someone open and take their organs out! I've been holding this for so long, I also might go on a killing spree! My team- Death P.A.C.T finally allows killing! I will kill the first person I see! Except for my team, of course.

We were just standing by the restrooms, waiting for someone to emerge out of the forest and destroy them! Just about when we were about to give up, a WHOLE TEAM appeared from out of the forest! We could probably scavenge on their resources and take what we need. I took out my knife, so did the whole team. Black Hole can suck people into the void! That means we can instantly win against everyone! I approached them and shouted "CHARGE!" and so my whole team followed me. We started swinging our knives around them. Pen actually hit somebody in their team. It was Ice Cube! Bubble cast her power which can make their team float in bubbles. And... wait for it... they flew off! Dang it! They weren't out of reach of my knife yet. I took aim, and threw it at one of the bubbles. I popped one! Pencil fell off her bubble. It was like a hundred feet into the air so she will probably die. "I got one!" I exclaimed. My team cheered for me.

"How about we change our team name, since we don't prevent death anymore?" Pie said. "Hmmm..." Remote said. I thought of one quickly. "How about - Killing Innocent Lameass Lives?" I suggested. "You mean K.I.L.L? Nice!" Tree said and they all agreed with me.

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