Truly, Madly, Deeply - a Louis Tomlinson fanfic

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Introduction ! :)

This new story is about Gracy, a 17 years old girl who is Dutch. Because her parents are divorced and her mother wanted to live with her stephdad in a boring village, Gracy decided to go live in London with her father for a year. Her father lives in a hotel near the centre of London, he works there as a cook. 

Gracy is happily in love with Nino, for already 7 months now, but after 6 weeks in London she recieves a text which turns her whole world up-side-down. Then she meets a kinda mysterious boy, Louis Tomlinson. She finds out very quick that she's got a crush on him, and the other way around too, but then he suddenly leaves. No texts. No emails. No calls. No letters. Nothing. Can she survive this?

Truly, Madly, Deeply - a Louis Tomlinson fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu