Jin pov
I looked at Jisoo's report. She took a picture of Beomgyu while eating. I must tell her to record a film.
I called her."Hello Mr Kim."
"Hello how's my son?"
"He is ok and playing. His music class just finished and after that he had his lunch. I will put him sleep in half an hour.""I didn't know they have music class."
"They bring a new teacher. Beomgyu likes that. He even told me he wants a guitar. Their teacher gave them glokenspeil." I smiled good thing he liked that."Good. Tell me if he likes it more than the others. I will tell your boss to have more classes. What about drawing and pottery class? Does he have another classes too?"
"He enjoyed all of them. I taught him French as you said but he got alittle tired so it was just half an hour. They will have PE too. But simple for children."
"Ok! You are doing good. I will fetch him."
"Yes sir."I heard a knock on my door.
"Hey! Where's Beomgyu?"
"I forget to tell you but it is two days he is going to a kindergarten. He loves there."
"Yeah?" I nodded."Tae found there. I'm happy he loves there. One of his teachers told him he is not doing good in drawing so I told her this must be her last time. Dr Choi's son is there too. I told her to bring his son to our house and she accepted happily."
Jimin smiled.
"Good. I didn't expect you take him to a kindergarten."
"Ahhh it was cause of him. He was getting sick alot cause he was in hospital so I decided to take him to a kindergarten."
"It is good he likes there."Jungkook pov
"I'm going now! Today was really nice." I smiled and bowed I must leave before Jin come here.
"You did well Jungkook. More Beomgyu enjoyed. His appa will double your salary.""I don't need it. Beside I'm not getting any money. I'm tecahing them cause I love children." More my son is here! She nodded.
"Kookie is going?"
I looked at my son who was pouting. I was all seeing him while teaching and he was giggling. I wish you called me daddy."Beomgyu he must go and you must sleep."
He nodded and Jisoo hold him.
"Sorry it is his sleep time. I will go. Say bye Beomgyu." He waved his hands and I blew a kiss for him and went out. I then called Yoongi."I did that."
"You are out of mind. If Seokjin finds this he sure will kill you. What if Beomgyu tells him your name?""He calls me Kookie. He doesn't remember my complete name. More they are lots of Jungkooks here."
"Jimin has spoken with Jin. His teacher told he is enjoying there. Jungkook please don't ruin everything."
"Yoongi he is my son too. I love him as he does so I know what to do."Taehyung pov
"Where is my son?" Jin and I went to catch Beomgyu.
"Sir he is sleeping."
"Did he eat well?"
"Yes sir. But he just ate 6 slices of orange. He said he doesn't like and I didn't force him.""Good write everything for me."
"Yes sir."
We entered Beomgyu's room.
"I gave new sheets to your coworker. Change them everyday. We will bring more ok?" I said and she nodded."Jin let me hold him." I then hold Beomgyu and he put his blanket on him.
"Umm sorry Mr Kim but he doesn't like his blanket. He said he prefers micky mouse blanket." Jin looked at her."Really? Ok I will change his blanket. What else he told you?" I looked at my brother. He must stop this. This is not good for anyone.
"Just this sir."
"Tell me if he doesn't like anything. He told me one of your teachers were playing with her mobile phone yesterday. It is not good. They will copy you so behave infront of them. He was asking me for a phone. You know how hard it is to be a parent?" The girl bite his lip

Happy Ending
Fanfiction"How could I know that?" "Did you even think about me?" "He threated me!" "You could tell me!" When you find a secret that will change everything in your life.