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(Rantaro. He's your main priority right now, nothing else.)

After waking up in your room, just the way you saw it in your dream, you needed to go and find Rantaro. His lab, you should check there first. You left your room, checked the map, and it was actually on the map this time. It's also 6:30, pretty late in the afternoon. Heading towards there, you ran into edgy emo girl again, but she was pinning locker boy against the wall.

"Hey, you ever heard of consent? It's a real thing, and I'm pretty sure you didn't get any of that from him." You snidely remarked. Smirking lips, thin eyes, right hand on your hip, arrogance written all over your current persona. She let him go, only to race up to you.

"Do you want to die?" She threateningly questioned.Her face inches away from yours, you decided to poke fun at her.

"My word! You move from one target of anti-consent to another in less than three seconds! New record, I'd say. Want a kiss, maybe?" This left her so flustered she glared at you before running away, just to be met with a more sadistic glare.

He dusted himself off, to walk towards you. He paused halfway to ask you, "Mind if I talk to you? I wanna make sure I have your consent." And he winked at you. Kinda made you swoon, but made feel more guilty than anything. You did yell at him earlier, so... yeah.

"Oh! No, it's fine! We can talk! Haha, absolutely!" Haha, you sound like a 12 year old. "I don't think I ever told you my name, Clara. Kokichi. Kokichi Ouma. I'm sorry if I made you upset earlier, seeing as I hugged you without asking. You probably have a boyfriend, so I'm sorry for that!"

He smiled at you the warmest smile you'd ever seen. Oh jeez, the guilt is hitting you like a sledgehammer. "Ah! No, ha. I'm actually single. Have been for the past 15 years. I'm hoping to break that streak in the 16th year!" You replied nervously.

"Really? Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, there are much worse things than being single if you really think about it." He replied. That really got you thinking, what things are worse? Like killing someone? Oh in that case, you really suck, Clara.

"Haaa, anyway do you know where Rantaro is? I'm trying to look for him because this is a killing game, and I want to protect him!" You ended that sentence with a determined look.
"You look just like Kaede right now! Hm, well I'd check the game room. He said he was gonna head over there."

(It was in my dream that what happened was the future so, why didn't I think to check there? Stupid, stupid, stupid!)

"Oh! Well, wanna come with? I uh, I wanna make it up to you for yelling at you." You kinda stuttered saying that because you were worried about what he would say or how he would react. "Well, honestly I was kinda worried you hated me, but I like that you're trying to apologize for what happened!"

(Oh thank god he doesn't hate me!!!)

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