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Above picture of Aaron Maxwell

Above picture of Aaron Maxwell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I sprinted into the main building. I was already late. I saw a beautiful girl who looked about my age or maybe a year or two older standing near the reception desk.

I approached her nervously and said "Uh hi, I'm Ella Summers. I'm here for document submission."

The girl looked at me and smiled warmly. She extended her hand and said "Hello, Miss Summers, I'm Jessica Voltin. You are assigned to me for the document verification. Please come with me." I nodded at her and followed her wherever she was leading us.

As we passed by the rooms, I looked at the surroundings. It was pretty nice in here, which I hadn't noticed when I was coming in. Our journey came to a halt when Jessica entered a room that looked like a conference room. She sat on one of the chairs and I took a seat beside her.

She took my documents and studied them for some time. Then she looked up at me and I felt nervous. I gave her a nervous smile and she said "Well, Miss Summers, I must say you are pretty interesting and beautiful." She smiled at me and I smiled back at her and replied "Thank you, Miss Voltin, you are beautiful as well."

She nodded her head slightly and stood up, continuing our talk. "Nice to meet you, Miss Summers. I look forward to working with you. Everything seems fine, and you can join from tomorrow at 10 o'clock."

I extended my hand to politely reply to her. "Nice to meet you too, Miss Voltin." With that, I left from there.


I walked in the parking lot, my stomach growling loudly. I moved my head back and forth to see if anyone saw me. Blood rushed to my cheeks, spreading the rosemary all over my nose and cheekbones. "Thank God no one saw me, otherwise this would have been so embarrassing."

I got into my car and my next destination was the one and only "Rose Cafe".

"Just a bit, honey," I said, patting my stomach and smiling triumphantly, thinking about all the delicious delicacies I was going to eat.

As soon as I reached the cafe, I went straight to place my order. I waited in the line, groaning at my luck. "There's always so much rush," I thought. I had been standing here for so long.

My hunger knew no bounds. When would my turn come? I was getting restless. A few more minutes passed and finally it was my turn. I gave my order to the young lady behind the counter. My order arrived in 10 minutes.

Smiling widely at the girl, I took my tray of cappuccino with croissant plus my favorite chocolate chip pastry. I searched for a vacant table.

When I finally found one, I headed towards it. I was carrying my tray to the table, just as I was about to put it down, someone pushed past me with such force that my entire breakfast plate fell on the floor with a loud crash.

I was already tired and exhausted. And now, thanks to whoever it was, my food was also ruined. I was so pissed off right now. I wanted to beat the crap out of whoever it was.

I turned my head to look at the culprit. I got so angry when I saw the man walking past me like nothing happened. I shouted, grabbing his coat sleeve.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" He looked at me shocked for a while, but it was gone in a blink. He froze and I thought "Are you for real? You are staring at me shamelessly after spoiling my mouthwatering breakfast."

I yelled again "Who the hell are you? You ruined my entire food! Who's going to take responsibility for this, dude?" I was beyond angry.

His facial expressions changed and he looked like he was getting angry too. I saw him clenching his fists and gritting his jaw. "Are you new in NYC?" He asked.

I fumed with rage at his attitude. I snapped back "And are you dumb?"

I heard numerous gasps at this as people around us gaped at us like owls in the night light. Some were watching us in shock, some in terror, some were giving me pitying glances. What was wrong with these people? I really didn't understand their overreaction and I wasn't in the mood to understand either.

My thoughts were interrupted when that jerk grabbed my hand, brought my palm upward, put $2000 there and forcefully closed it. He arrogantly said "Take these as compensation and don't show me your face again."

I stared at him in disbelief. Was he for real? This conceited man had pissed me off to no end in just a few minutes. Fine, he had some arrogance there, but it was time to show him mine.

It was time to teach him a lesson. I gave him my best fake smile and held his hand the same way he held mine, mimicking his actions from before.

He looked at me confused. It was clearly visible on his face. Nice. I took his hand in mine and put those $2000 back on his palm.

I whispered sweetly "Take these as compensation...shove them up your ass and don't show me YOUR face again."

And now it was my time to smirk. Everyone was looking at me shocked with parted lips, along with his men, and he was gawking at me with some kind of emotion, maybe amusement.

With that said, I left the cafe, giving him one last glance from the corner of my eye. I saw him


Smirking at me!

What an arrogant jerk! I hoped I wouldn't meet him again! I left for my home with an angry hungry growling stomach.


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