[}~{Chapter 15}~{]

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-(3rd person POV)-

~la time skip to the next day 8:00~

Both Bakugo and Kirishima have woken up. Kirishima didn't feel it last night but he had overused his power so now his back hurts. Bakugo left to get an oil to rub his back. A knock came from the door and in walked Shinso.

"Hey Kirishima... sorry I didn't want to wake you. Your parents want to talk to you three."

"N-no it's o-okay. Can you tell them to w-wait?"

"Y-yeah. Are you okay? Should I get recovery girl?"

"N-no it's just my back. Katsuki is coming soon so just go. D-don't worry."

Shinso shut the door as a tear slipped from Kirishima's eye. Midoriya soft snores keeping him calm. A few more minutes pass when Bakugo walked in with the oil.

"Hey babe... I'm gonna flip you so I can rub your back. You ready?"

Kirishima nods as Bakugo helped flip him on his stomach.

"AGH! Shit why does it hurt so much?!"

Midoriya shifted in his sleep but luckily didn't wake up. Bakugo began to rub the oil on Kirishima trying his best not to hurt him.

"I'm sorry babe... you used your power for a few hours yesterday. Not to mention you kept going in and out of your transformation. The oil should numb it."

Bakugo massaged the oil into Kirishima back for an hour. In the end Kirishima was crying and gripping the pillow. Luckily the oils worked and the pain was gone. Recovery girl knew the draw backs of his power and specially made the oil to get rid of the pain.

"Sorry Ei, it's all done just rest."

"Thanks Kat. How are your arms and hands?"

"A little stiff but I put my braces on my wrist last night with the compressors. I knew you should have used your back brace but nooooo "I just want sleeeep.""

"Yeah, sorry about that. I should have listened because that was hell. Thanks for the help. Should we wake Izu for breakfast?"

"It was no problem but... I don't want to wake him. Right now all powers have a draw backs and being tired seems like a pretty simple drawback. I don't want to wake him and he be in pain."

"Okay. Well anyway my back feels a million times better! Can we go get food?"

"No I have one of the maids a bringing it up. You are staying in bed until tomorrow. Now I'm putting my braces back on after you put you back brace on."

"Fineeee. Where is it?"

"Right here."

Bakugo helped Kirishima into his brace and turned the heating element in it on. Strapping his wrist braces on.

"Why do I have to have the heat on?!"

"Because it'll help you back. I don't the the compressor on my braces but you don't see me complaining."

Before he could say another word a knock came and in walked a maid. She brought three trays of food and set them on bed trays. Midoriya still lay asleep in between both his mates.

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