My mom was waking me up again today. We had to get up early because we were going to grandmas house. Yay I'm dying to go!!! (NOT). It was boring. All day long i was trying to get a hold of Em or any of my friends. Mex was on, he wasn't very fun though. Mike was on, but he didn't have as much fun as we did last night. Skater was online but to be honest; I didn't want to play with him at that time. I guess all I could do all day was just listen to Hollywood Undead and FallOutBoy in my headphones. My grandma always tries to mess around with my brothers. She can get annoying fast. She's not the type of grandma who always makes cookies for us... That's why I wasn't excited on going. I just couldn't keep my mind of my dreams. I really wanted to go back again. I was kind of excited; but the downfall of that day was I accidentally jammed my brothers hand in a door. I was closing without looking and he had his fingers in it. But I don't wanna talk about that... Afterwards I was messing with my grandma's cat Smoky. He's hisses a lot. I guess you could say he's the reason I'm not so good at pixel gun anymore. He always scratches me in other words. That night was a great night for memories. Old friends actually started texting me for once. I wouldn't say old but they haven't texted me for awhile. And again, lost in thought, I eventually fell asleep. Again.
Obsessed with Killing
AçãoIm making my dreams in real life come true in this book im working on