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(Hiya, author here, welcome to the first story, please enjoy!! <3

Also slight TW for implied abuse?)

Hands are meant for hurting.

Kokichi Ouma knows that better than anyone. He knows how they're used for punishment to show him right from wrong. Or control. He knows that.

And he's used to it. Or at least he should by now.

But still, here he sits. On his boyfriends lap, as Kaito Momota ever so gently plays with the smaller boys hair.

He even asked permission before doing it. Kaito Momota, the six foot giant idiot, asked consent before playing with his boyfriends beautiful violet hair.

It confuses Kokichi.

Kaito is easy to read. Kokichi hardly ever doesn't understand his boyfriend. So why is this so hard for him? Maybe it's because Kaito's so much bigger than him. Kaito, stands proud, with a pretty muscley body (that he flexes quite often), that he's worked hard for. Whereas Kokichi...

Well, to say he stands as quite the opposite.

Kokichi stands at a meek five foot, skinny and frail. A body he hardly bothers to look after, like he's wasting away. He almost looks fragile, (and in a way, he couldn't deny he is, even if he'd never admit out loud).

"Can I kiss you?" Kaito asks tenderly.

"Yep" Kokichi nods in agreement as well, because he knows Kaito won't kiss him unless he's 100% sure the other one wants it.

The taller boy leans in, and with so much gentleness, softly kisses Kokichi with so much tenderness and love.

It confuses Kokichi.

Kokichi knows more than anything in the universe, almost like an instinct or fact, how goddamn easy it would be for Kaito to take control over him.

Kokichi doesn't know why he doesn't.

Still, Kaito sits there, letting his smaller boyfriend guide the kiss as he still pets his hair. It's always like this. Kaito, letting him take control.


Kokichi takes Kaito's hand. His small hand interlocking with his boyfriends much bigger one.

The big hands that he knows Kaito could use at any moment to get control. It wouldn't take much, Kokichi knows that.

So he should also know by now that Kaito Momota isn't like that at all. He isn't like the others.

But Kokichi looks at him and tries so desperately hard to not see the hands of people who hurt him so badly in the past. He looks so so hard, and tries to not see someone big and scary, who could throw him around like a ragdoll at any given moment.

Kokichi knows Kaito isn't like that all. He knows his boyfriend is not the people who hurt him.

So why does he still feel like this??

Is it because Kaito could, with so much ease, use his hands to bend Kokichi until he breaks. Or strike him to the point where he's lovely shades of purple and blue all over?

Kokichi Ouma knows, he knows more than all the stars in the galaxy, that there is no way, Kaito Momota would ever in a million years hurt him.

But he knows he could.

He's so goddamn aware that his boyfriend could.


"Hey..? Are you okay..?" Kaito cooes, once again using the most gentle tone with Kokichi as he pulls out of the kiss.

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