The Mysterious Saiyan

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"Dad can you tell me the story again...?"

"Which one son?"

"All of it! From start to finish!"

"I guess you deserve it for all that hard work of yours...Ahem"

On the Planet Vegeta, a bold and strong race of warriors stand. But not only that...These warriors were all females born in special capsules since none of them had the right body parts. But every 400 years...a male Saiyan is born from a capsule and this Saiyan was named (Y/N)...This is the story of how he became the strongest ever live.

You landed down outside Kame House "Hey gang!" A short girl with hair down to her shoulder ran out "(Y/N)!" "Krillin is that you?" She nodded "You've grown a bit!" Krillin smirks "Well of course! Can't have you in the spotlight all the time" You were being blown back a bit by a ship landing in front of the house. As it landed a girl with blue short hair ran out "Huh?- Oh! You guys are already here!" She ran out "(Y/N)...You've grown so much!" Krillin chuckled "Yup! Been hitting the gym I'm guessing?" You nodded and walked to the door "Yup! Gotta stay fit in case of Piccolo attacks" Before you could enter you heard the sound of Nimbus landing with feet hopping off "Goku!" You turned quickly to see Goku with a girl in her arms "Hi all!" She put her down and walked to you "What's up (Y/N)! It's been forever! You look good" Goku rubbed your chest and smiled with you blushing a bit "Well thanks Goku hehe" Bulma cut in "I love a good meet up but are we gonna discuss the girl? Is she lost or something?" Goku shook her head and picked her up "This is my Adopted Daughter Go-chi!" You walked over and pat her head "Hey there little lady! Aren't you a bundle of sunshine!" She rubbed your hand "Awwww! So why name her Go-chi?" Goku thought back "I...uh...Can't remember" You facepalmed "Of course..." Goku began to step towards the door "Well I'm starving! Is Bulma cooking?" Bulma scowled "Not a care in the world. I hope Go-Chi doesn't end up like her" Bulma groaned as Krillin looked off into the distance "Hey (Y/N)...You feel that?" Go-Chi ran up to you as you held her in your arms and looked off as well " some kind of sinister energy. Stronger than Piccolo I think" Krillin shivered "S-stronger than Piccolo!?" You thought to yourself "Don't tell me it's a Saiyan...Why on earth would they come here?" 

Before you could think a girl with long hair down to her legs with strange armour and a scanner on her left eye of some kind landed in front of you as Goku jumped outside "Bulma take Go-Chi and head inside" Bulma held onto Go-chi as she ran into Kame House "So you're the one who was giving off such sinister energy" She looked at you for a second "The 400-year male prophecy and it's this shmuck...Can't believe this." You trembled a bit "What do you mean?" "You don't even know about the prophecy, do you? What a joke...How about this then? You bring Kakarot and blow this island to space then I will explain your history" Even though you were fuzzy on the history of the Saiyans...You knew enough and didn't want to learn about some 400 prophecies. You rushed first at the girl with Krillin going for an air attack and Goku going in from behind! As Goku went for the kick she was grabbed and the girl hit all of you away then threw Goku backwards into the ocean "Gahhh!" You hit the floor and quickly recovered to get back up "You're fast. But can you back it up with enough muscle!?" The girl went in for a punch but you moved and kneed her in the chest them slammed her across the face to knock her back when she grabbed your arms and punched you back into the ground "If this was really all the Prophecy could do I'm disappointed..." She walked into the house and took Go-Chi by force. She noticed the quivering old man behind a kitchen desk "Old man..." he peeked his head up "If you promise to not get in my way I'll give you these" She held up a picture of three girls in their underwear. One of them was her, the other had really spiky hair and the other had short hair "Y-Yes! Come to papa!" She incinerated the pictures and broke through the roof as she flew away "Oh dang it" Bulma slapped the old man across the head.

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